14 years of lifting and hit a point where I can’t because of work — how can I motivate myself? 34/f

@tangenica I work for myself. I generally work out during business hours. I find mid morning I have more endurance, strength and discipline. I got my business to where I want it and actually got rid of a bunch of staff as I wanted to take it elsewhere. I make great money and work.....not so much. (Mostly). It took a long time to get it there though.

If you have the ability to delegate, do so. If you don't have the policies and procedures in place to have the right person doing the right job, the right way - yet, work on that. That's core. It means you can get taken out of the game eventually and either get new business and build the business (rather than be employed by the business) or you can sell the business and trade up to relaxation.

I am almost finished the David Goggins audio book. I highly recommend it.

You'll find a way to do what is important to you. It's the only choice.
@tangenica Take a look at Dan John's Easy Strength. Quick effective workouts designed to leave a lot in the tank for other things. In Dan's case it was sport training, in your case it would be life stress.

Full disclosure, it is a strength and performance based system. If you are looking for bodybuilding type work sessions, it doesn't do that very well.
@mrbingie I wasn’t getting enough recovery for two years and that’s what I’m sure got me where I am. I burned out so bad pushing through 5 hours of sleep, lifting, and working 15 hour days.

I’m just trying to find the motivation to get me slowly driven so I can avoid this from happening again. Motivation will get me to a gym at any hour, it’s the lack of at this point. Reigniting is the problem.
@tangenica Make sure you wake up one before your usual time and finish your training. That’s what I do when the days are busy. You can work peacefully without having to worry about the training later in the day
@tangenica Gotta lift in the morning then. You have the time you’re choosing not to make it. I get it I’ve been there but there’s plenty of time in the morning just waiting for you to use it…

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