15 y/o Bodyweight Transformation 7 months

I'm now a firm believer that there is no reason to "hit the gym" until you have become a master of your own bodyweight

Sounds suboptimal for anyone that simply wants to look better, in the least amount of time. And besides, it's much easier to progressively overload with free weights. Congrats on the progress OP.
@dawn16 yeah honestly my opinions have changed even in this short period of time :') for gaining size and mass getting in the gym probably is the way to go, i just think this way maybe im building more functional muscle, maybe? i dunno, im not expert just enjoying myself :) thanks anyway man
@dianalouise1983 Hey, as long as you're happy OP. Seems like you've made it to be honest. I may be alright in terms of barbell lifts, but I'm complete ass when it comes to body weight workouts. Different strokes for different folks.
@dianalouise1983 So I'm a little confused, in your workout for let's say chest/triceps, you do all the workouts listed in Monday,Wednesday, Friday in a single day and repeat it or do you divide them?

Edit: I'm also a skinny guy and I want to to build muscle somewhat and all these terms seem overwhelming for me
@dawn16 I started with full body routines, so yeah push up variations, pull up variations, squats and some ab exercises.. and i then moved onto more challenging movements. Archer Pull Ups, one arm pushups and just trying to limit the reps to around 8 reps per set by controlling my movements and slowing them down for more time under tension on the muscle :)
@dianalouise1983 Shit, that's impressive. I've been doing bodyweight for nearly 2 years and haven't had near the results you have. Looks like I need to step up my game. Might be appropriating your routine. You look awesome, too. Good job!