2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

@lamnhi This reply demonstrates something you don't mention as much in your post (or are just pretty humble about): superhuman motivation. I was running with a friend tonight and we're in relatively similar shape (comparable heart rate at the same pace, run together often, etc.) but he flat-out smokes me at the very end when we're sprinting the last few blocks home. I'm sure it has something to do with lactate threshold and other stuff but more than anything he just has an insane drive that helps him push past the pain. It seems you do, too, and that's really not a small factor in getting shredded in such a short amount of time.
@louie44 People give up too easily when training gets hard. When you are doing pushups and your whole body isnt shaking by the last rep or two, then you arent training hard enough. When doing chinups and you cant do another rep if someone put a gun to your head, then jump up and slowly lower yourself down a couple more times.
@lamnhi This certainly is a great motivation for me. Started at calisthenics and in general at working out properly with 31yo, four or five months ago, and seeing your progress I realise that perhaps I'm not too late to archive something!

@lamnhi Can you post your typical training week when you were doing bodyweight? I see you really pushed it beyond failure but what about rest? How did you split all that volume?
@dawn16 Bodyweight only i probably did 3 push and 3 pulls per week, 1 day of nothing. Just work as hard as you can and be consistant. Consistancy and not getting injured is the key.

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