2 months to do 10 chin-ups/pullups possible?


New member

I have had it. I am inconsistent at the gym, lazy with my nutrition. If I had some discipline I know I could’ve been at my goal by now.

I’m giving myself 2 months to do 5-10 pull-ups/chinups. I’m male 6’0 194 LBS

I can just barely do a single chin up currently. Any tips? I was looking into the Armstrong pull-up program but just using a resistance band. Would that be good?

If anyone has any tips or maybe even a program to try pls let me know 😀
@wolfmedic 6'0 170lb. Took me 6months and still at 7 pullups in a single set. But can pull off 16-17 in 3sets. But if you are young then you should be able to do lot better than me just by being regular to the gym.
@wolfmedic Look for a general training routine that has been proven to work and has good reviews.
Places to look are:
You can replace some of the pulling work with a proven routine for pull ups too. If you have access to an assisted pull up machine, you can just use Bodyweight - assistance weight as the load in the programme and do that instead of barbell rows.

A couple of places to start looking for pull Ip routines are:
The specific routine, or method, you choose shouldn’t matter. Just pick something proven with good reviews, and stick to what it says to do consistently.