2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

@thespeedboy Goal is to continue to do better from the year before and to actually feel ready to do the open. This is the first year I’ve felt “ready” and not super worried about what’s to come and be able to enjoy it. Was in 97th percentile (F) last year and that’s where I’m sitting right now, but with scores I could’ve never gotten if I did the same workouts the year prior. Happy with there I’m at, but excited to see if I can bump myself up anymore after this last workout :))
@thespeedboy I perforated my eardrum quite badly and it’s still infected so I’ve not done any of the WODs, so it’s not been a great open for me 😂

Congrats on your results, that’s a great jump!
@thespeedboy I wish I’d tried 23.1 RX… unfortunately because of the scoring my OK score in scaled puts me waaay down the list. I feel like there should be some kind of system where at the very least 61 scaled > 60 rx.

I can’t really complain though as I did intellectually know this. I just didn’t realise/think about how it meant the %s would all be meaningless if I did scaled.
@thespeedboy I have been training alongside a top 10 Games athlete, was hopeful for getting on top at Semifinals. Got injured in 23.1 (freak thing) and my season is over at an age where this was likely the last of my prime. Wish there was another way in
@thespeedboy My goal was/is Quarterfinals. I'm sitting at 88th percentile, so there's still a chance. I started following a legit training program with phases etc. (Misfit Athletics) in October 2022, before that I followed some online crossfit training programs that were loosely put together. So, looking back I guess it was foolish to expect Quarterfinals when I've only really been training for 4ish months - compared to other Quarterfinals athletes who have been preparing since March 2022.

I will say though, being so close and knowing how much sketchy stuff might be going on is dis-heartening. Andrew Hiller did a video on one of the top female athletes and how she allegedly doctored her video submission + had some pretty obvious no reps. If the top ones are doing that, makes you wonder how many other people are being sketchy in their scores/video submissions. It is what it is I guess.

But I digress, 2023 I will stick to Misfit Athletics training and do zone 2 training minimum twice a week. 2024 Quarterfinals here I come!
@pianogrl My gym started Mayhem Affiliate in January. I'm loving the programming so far so I hope that it leads to more gains this year!

I try not to get too caught up in all that stuff. At the end of the day I am getting a great workout. I want to make it to certain levels but I ultimately view it as me vs myself. I compare my scores to others but it really just matters how I do.
@thespeedboy Set an ambitious goal to move from 29th percentile in 2022 to above 50th. Currently sitting at 38th percentile. Improvement, but currently falling short.
@thespeedboy I wanted to finish in the top 1000, I’m ~1200 with one workout to go.

I’m thankful bc the first workout didn’t go well as I didn’t do any gymnastics/barbell work for the 2 weeks prior due to an injury. I honestly didn’t think I’d even have a chance after the first workout.
@thespeedboy Didn't really start out with a goal, but after a decent score on 23.1 landing me borderline making quarterfinals I did kind of get my hopes up, but after scoring my worst so far on the max thruster I think quarterfinals have gone out the window.

Really just hope to see even slight improvement every year. I've gone from 80th% in 2019 to 84th and 83rd the next two years, then dropped to 77th last year with a bum knee during the open. So right now I'm sitting at 87th and feeling pretty good about myself, until this last workout has no skill and all engine and I get smacked in the face and plummet down the leaderboard lol.
@thespeedboy Goal--not to reinjure my back. So far, met!

As to your goals, absolutely don't count yourself out. 85th % with only 4 or 5 scores is moveable... in both directions lol. Crush the last workout and you got a shot!
@thespeedboy Meh honestly pretty disappointing so far. Thought I would be quite a bit better this year compared to last as I have been training more crossfit specific but seems it was too little too late. Currently same percentile as last year at 57. Finding some holes to work on and will dedicate the year coming up to improving. Goal is quarterfinals in 3 years or so. Hopefully that’s achievable
@thespeedboy Have been trying to get back into it after a long break (Pandemmy and also moved in 2021) and was hoping that I could be back on track by now. Seems like my percentile in 2021 is going to be much higher than this year after all :(
@thespeedboy Been doing CF for 10 months now so really didn’t know what to expect trying the open, but went into it with a goal of making top 10% (Quarterfinals?).

Right now sitting at the 86th percentile which is okay, but going to have to do well on the last one. I’m not proficient with RMU as I’ve just been trying to tackle a lot of the gymnastics based movements one at a time and can only do singles and still not super consistent. We will see what happens!