2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?


New member
As the title says, how are everyone's goals for the 2023 open going? I am falling short of mine. I set a goal of making the quarterfinals after my first open last year where I finished in the 69th percentile. I started doing crossfit during the final workout from the 2021 open and then started taking my training more seriously somewhere around September of 2021.

It's been a mixed bag for me in this open. I did well on the first workout but couldn't get a rmu in an actual workout after having gotten a few in practice. I had a solid tie break time so it didn't kill me. I expected to do better on 23.2a but really failed hard but luckily made up some ground with a very good b score where I finished within the top 5% worldwide for men (I'm trying to qualify for AGQF in the 40-44 range). My score on b even ended up being in the top 1000 in my age group so I'm super happy about that.

Overall, I am sitting in the 85th percentile with one workout to go. I am hoping for something that is a sprint with some strength. I can excel in those workouts more than I'm going to in a long cardio workout. I don't think quarterfinals is a legitimate possibility this year but I'm currently 16% higher than I was last year and maybe a jump from 85% to 90% is more realistic than jumping from 69% to 90%.

How is it going for everyone else?
@thespeedboy Absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of percentile, but it’s my first ever open 3 months into CF so…can’t say I had any expectations going in. That being said, now I know what to beat next year!
@nonamend I lived! Went into FNL feeling like shit after ego lifting my way into a tight back Thursday, and some very unfortunately timed programming Wednesday/Thursday leading to destroyed shoulders. But made it through, and happy to have a benchmark to improve on for next year.
@thespeedboy Sounds to me like you should be very proud of yourself!

Quarterfinals was a looong shot for me this yr but def wanted to get around 75/80th percentile. Unfortunately I had 2 injuries on the run up and had to scale from the first week and I haven't had to scale in the previous 2 yrs. So yeah, fell short.
@veilmenacex Sorry that you got injured. You'll make it next year for sure! That's always a worry coming into these things. I've been lucky in that respect so far. I'm just old so I have the ongoing nagging aches that we all get as we age!

My wife keeps telling me that I should be happy but I tend to get stuck on a particular goal and anything less is a failure. That's not to say I'm beating myself up but definitely disappointed. I just tend to use it as motivation to get better and hopefully next year I can make it! Technically, I could sneak in this year still if the final workout happens to have strengths for me but I don't know that anything shy of heavy lifts is going to see me jump from about 4000th place to 2600th place so I've pretty much accepted that I won't.

I am happy to see improvement. It wouldn't be the first time I had a goal that was lofty :)
@thespeedboy I haven’t done a full open since 2018.

2016 - 89th percentile

2017 - 92nd percentile

2018 - 94th percentile

I set myself a goal of qualifying for QF. I’ve been training back hard again for 6 months or so. I’ve far exceeded my expectations and am sitting 95th percentile right now. The workouts have also worked out in my favor though. Let’s see what week 3 brings us!
@anneka Impressive! I'm hoping to break into that 90% next year. I'm excited for the final workout and hope it's something I'm strong as so I can at least put an effort in thinking I might have a chance!
@thespeedboy Thanks! I’m m hoping there’s a ton of dubs cause that will work out in my favor too lol.

I can see a combo of dubs, overhead squats/lunges (maybe with DB), and handstand push-ups/walks.

Let’s see what we get!
@anneka Was thinking quite much the same. Maybe box jumps instead of squat/lunge; one to wreck the legs, one to wreck the shoulders, and then DU's...
Like amrap 1-3-10, 2-6-20, etc. SHSPU-Box jump-DU
@anneka I'm hoping for something like a 21/15/9 scheme of ascending deadlifts and dumbbell box step ups with some doubles at the end of each set. Maybe 225/315/405 deadlifts with 50-75 doubles each set. I think that would be a fun mix of engine, skill, and strength that isn't a super long slog but not quite a full-on sprint.
@thespeedboy Last year I finished in 72% and this last 8-10 months was the first time I took CrossFit “seriously” tracking maxes and logging. Started taking my nutrition seriously and now I’m down 20lbs and currently sitting at 85% so I’d say I’m winning for an everyday at- home athlete.
@thespeedboy after 6 months of CF I just want to be able to attempt every workout RX and feel like I've done myself justice. I have managed this so far and I'm currently apparently 38th Percentile worldwide for men which I suppose is fine.

Trying my hardest not to compare myself to others this year and enjoy the process!

50%+ percentile next year should be easily achievable though! The process has shone a good light on strengths and weaknesses, I must get much stronger to be able to take a decent step up the leader board.
@jk13 You got this! Improvement is really all we can ask for and then we just try to stretch that goal as fas as we can. I can't help but compare myself to others. I think it makes us better in things like this. I try to be realistic, though.