Don't think there'll be a lot of interest in the Asian semifinals in this sub, but it's here should anyone be interested -
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Leaderboard -
2 men, 3 women and 1 team to qualify.
Men: 185 pounds
Women: 125 pounds
Men: 225 pounds
Women: 155 pounds
Men: 30-inch box, 15-foot rope
Women: 24-inch box, 15-foot rope
Men: 185, 205, 225, 245, 265 pounds
Women: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 pounds
Men: Two 100-pound dumbbells
Women: Two 70-pound dumbbells
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 -
Leaderboard -
2 men, 3 women and 1 team to qualify.
Individuals Events -
- 5 rounds for time of:
- 800-meter run
- 10 clean and jerks
Men: 185 pounds
Women: 125 pounds
2) 5 rounds for time:
- 100 double-unders
- 20 toes-to-bar
- 10 front squats
Men: 225 pounds
Women: 155 pounds
3) 7 rounds for time:
- 10-calorie Echo bike
- 1 legless rope climb
- 10 box jump overs
- 1 legless rope climb
Men: 30-inch box, 15-foot rope
Women: 24-inch box, 15-foot rope
4) For time:
- 400-meter row
- 96-foot handstand walk
- 600-meter row
- 120-foot handstand walk
- 800-meter row
- 72-foot handstand walk
5) For time:
- 10 squat snatches by 2:00
- 8 squat snatches by 4:00
- 6 squat snatches by 6:00
- 4 squat snatches by 8:00
- 2 squat snatches by 11:00
Men: 185, 205, 225, 245, 265 pounds
Women: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 pounds
6) For time:
- 30/22-calorie Echo bike
- 15 muscle-ups
- 72-foot dumbbell walking lunge
Men: Two 100-pound dumbbells
Women: Two 70-pound dumbbells