23.1 women’s barbells misloaded

@grace4nan So your take is, just because something isn’t “recognized from outside organizations” it’s not a sport? Every sport is for profit.

Definition of Sport: .
an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
@straitlacedanglican See my other comments. I was not precise: technically they are not a real sport governing organization (i.e. no other recognized sport organization will recognize them).

Every sport is for profit.

The fate of the profit what makes the difference. There IS a difference bw for-profit and non-profit and it's not that one makes no profit.
@mdstehling NFL is a football league, it's not football itself. NBA is a basketball league. Neither are synonymous with the actual sport being played - they are professional leagues. CrossFit is synonymous - it is both the league and the sport.
@dawn16 I see the point now. Eh I mean there could be alternative “leagues” within the sport of CrossFit. Wodapalooza bills itself as a fitness or functional fitness event. I’m fairly sure they make a point to not use the word CrossFit (searching the website and picking up on the way it’s announced) but all the events are what is commonly referred to as CrossFit. They don’t do any events that you would look at and say “that’s definitely not CrossFit”.

But then in contrast, you have a Rogue invitational with its specific and explicitly named “CrossFit” division, next to the strongman division separating them as different sports.

CrossFit open just seems like a league of the overall sport of CF, to me.
@quitesmoking123 Heh? This wasn’t the issue. Misloaded and failure of control in checking. They fly the head of workouts all the way to Spain for him apparently just to say “athletes, 10 seconds”. Didn’t do anything else.
@mdstehling Failiure of controll is absolutely an issue here. However, conversions and thus calculations in every step is a huge confounding factor, making loading and checking so much more difficult.

A major step in any quality controll program is to make it easy to get it right, and hard to get it wrong...

But I still agree; there should be one, or two, people who's one job is to make sure the bars that are about to be rolled out are the right weight, and his/hers cheat sheet shall be with numbers in the units the bars are loaded with....
@lalaen Normally sure, but they got the Wod like 20 mins earlier and we’re back in the back warming up, they have a minute or two to go over standards with their judge. It’s not like at a box where they loaded their bar and set everything up according to the standards. Completely on CF for this one
@lalaen Well the judges course tells you it’s also the judge’s responsibility to check the equipment / weight, hence I said PARTLY a judging issue.

As someone who just judged 60+ people through 23.1, I checked the weight on the bar each and every time… it’s basics really

I’d say it’s mostly on the organisers though due to nature of who was there, the implications of it being wrong and the shortness in time between announcing the workout and them getting it ready