Now that I’ve got my car up and running again I can finally come back to the gym, but I need a new workout routine. I’m currently approximately 27% body fat and I’m trying to get down to less than 10% (ideally 5%) by the end of July of this year (~4 months). I don’t care how hard of workout routine it is, as long as it’s a 5 or 6 day split. I’d like to build muscle and lose fat… I already have a healthy diet as well. Any help is appreciated

Edit: I’m 6’0” and 202 lbs. I know my way around the gym and have been going on and off for a few years, but I struggle to find a workout routine that works well
@jeremytheservant I'll put in bluntly but I hope you wont mind.

5% is ridiculously low. aim for 15% that will be more sustainable. Even 27% to 15% sounds too drastic in 4 months, especially if you have a healthy diet and 27% BF. We dont have your weight and height, that would help.

Also, gaining muscle while loosing fat (also known as "body recomposition") is possible to some extent if you are an absolue beginner, but not in 4 months. Real changes take time.

Now that I told you the real truth, let me try to be a bit more helpful :)

Let's suppose you weight is 180lbs, at 27% fat you have around 50lbs of fat. Your goal is 10%, so basically you need to loose 30 lbs of fat. Thats a lot of weight loss in 4 months, and a calorie deficit of around 6000 calories per week.

This means that you will have to maintain a relatively important (but sustainable) calorie deficit during those 4 months, and that mainly comes from diet.

My recommendations would be (I assume that you are beginner/new to all this, otherwise you wouldent post such question):
  1. Walk everywhere, the more steps per day the better (your car is fixed? ditch it!). Aim for > 10k steps, possibly as many as possible
  2. Count calories religiously (with an app) -> this is the secret key to most weigth loss success. If you dont do that, you wont succeed (the mind tricks us into thinking we eat "healthy" when in reality we eat too much). Alcool is obviously a lot of calorie, try and avoid it (maybe on beer a week... and count the cals from it!).
  3. Stick to 800 cals deficit per day max, and see how you feel.
  4. Eat plenty of proteins, ideally 1g per pounds of bodyweigth
  5. Regarding training: full body 3 times per week, and 3 runs/bike/cardio per week
    1. Full body should focus on big compound movement with barbell
    2. cardio sessions should be > 45min for runnning, >1hour biking/swimming
  6. Sleep >7H per night, aiming for 8hours. Sleep is when the muscle is built.
  7. (Additional) Do some mobility work / yoga 3 times a week on the evening to help prevent soreness and gain better body awareness
  8. (Additional) Buy a cheap Garmin watch to track sport, calories, steps, and sleed
Do all this to perfection and come back in 4 months, you will look amazingly better, and there will be room for improvement.

If you need more details I can give you a simple bodybuilding routine, but honestly it's moslty doing any routine and sticking to it long enough. And count your calories, that's the way.