3.5 months in our local box. New to this sub. 26/f. Any ladies in this sub?


New member
I have already lost 25 pounds and stronger than I have ever been before. Wore a bikini to the pool for the first time in 6 years. Is this a good place to post before/after pics? How strong is this sub? Any new people to cross fit?
@yohannessheep You are a hero! You should post. Starting crossfit at almost 40 make you a role model :). How inspiring! You have the guts to do what many don't. Please do post more.
@cadi I started Crossfit 2 weeks before my 45th birthday. I must be a grand Poobah, then. :)

Funny story---one of the younger girls at my box asked me to talk to her mom about Crossfit. "You know, to explain that it's not just young people who do it."

::sad trombone::
@p1saint2 Hi! Happy to hear of the weight loss and strength gains. 22/f and been CFing 11 months (today, actually.) This is a strongish sub but can get downvote happy. But like what was said before, we love our before and afters. Welcome!
@owlsight I have been on reddit over a year but I couldn't remember my last password after my phone updated the reddit app. Hardest thing for me to do making a username.
@p1saint2 38 cis female, just hit my 2 year old CrossFit anniversary. Lost 85 pounds in a year doing 4x a week CrossFit. The year prior, I worked 4x a week with a personal trainer and also did an hour on the elliptical or treadmill, gained several percentages of body fat so I can definitely say it was "CrossFit" weight loss.

Just to keep perspective, CrossFit year one: 85 pounds down on the scale, from a size 20 to a size 12.
Crossfit year two: gained 10 pounds, went from a size 12 to a size 6.
@dreamer6424 39/F, here. Thank you for sharing that! I lost 70 lbs in about a year, a year ago. Started Crossfit in October and lost a few more pounds but lately the scale has been inching up while I feel like I still "look" like I am getting smaller. Clearly I need to do measurements again....but it really helps to hear that I may not be crazy.
@p1saint2 Another lady, checking in. 37, former martial artist. Just getting back to crossfit after a few months last year.

I'm currently working hard to retrain my macho instincts, take it slow, and not get hurt. I have restricted mobility in one shoulder from injuries/surgery, and an immune disorder that gives me widespread arthritic symptoms. Just got back on the good meds after 9 months without health insurance, so now I can moooove!

I love crossfit. I love my box, and I love my body when it can do things again. 5'3" 126# right now, and on me, that's a bit squishier than I like. My goal is to stay around the same weight, but replace the squish with strength! (I'm really going to miss these boobs, though. I never get small exactly, but right now they are pretty spectacular. Oh, well, can't have it all.)
@p1saint2 Well here is the first piece of advice I'll give you. Learn to ignore the scale. My weight hasn't changed much after an initial 10lb loss, but my body has changed and clothes fit differently.