6-Month Anorexia Progress

@hal16 Be careful when you start exercising again after back surgery. I had a discectomy, was feeling great and just pushed too hard and had to have another surgery. Good luck!
@hal16 Well done on the gains! Try not to focus too much on the post-surgical set-backs... if you've gotten here once, you can get it again! Hopefully the lack of back pain will improve your quality of life substantially and make it more enjoyable to work out :D
@hal16 Speedy recovery buddy. Your body have muscle memory so it be easier to get your progress back. Keep it up. I just broke so I know not being able to do anything can be frustrating but rest is needed. Pray for your recovery.
@hal16 Can’t put into words how pleased I am for you. Just awesome and amazingly inspirational success! Thank-you for sharing your journey so far.
@hal16 You are awesome and so is your progress! Overeating comes naturally to so many people that they will have no idea what you’ve overcome with anorexia, let alone your recovery from back surgery! For some of us it can be hard to connect with food, so it’s really hard to grow muscles. But you’re kicking ass! You’ve clearly found a way that works for you, and that rocks.