6 years on on and off ... it s*cks ... App for workout ?


New member
Hello workouters,

I’ve been on and off working out for 6 years straight, went from 59 to 67kg as skinny fat for 1m74.

Going in everyday then off for months ... There is a motivation problem.

I only see my legs and arm getting bigger the rest is kind of non changing with a layer of fat.

No abs, no pecs.

Yesterday, I rang the bell and I said « no more ». I want this beach body once in my life.

I’ve been doing 10 minutes HIIT every other day for a month. => big win for me.

I’ve read many guides, and downloaded dozens of app ... I want to narrow down to one.

First Question : Can I get the dream body with 30 ish minutes workout 3 to 6 times a week ?

Do you have any recommandations for :

- working out on roadtrip app ? (so basically home workout)

- an incentivized to workout app ? (gamified or at least with tracking and notification ?)

- All-in-one app. I don’t want to have ten apps

- YET simple to use, the its frictionless ?

- I don’t mind paying, it will always be cheaper than gym.

Asana rebel and freeleetics looks interesting. Any advice ?

Thank you all !


EDIT : Choice is made :

- I’ll track my calories with Myfitnesspal and adjust ;

- I’ll try Fitbod my roadtrip until end of september ;

- My most fit IRL friend recommended me the 9€ course from Eric Flag in French, I bought it and will do this as MAIN program for 30 days ;

- After the roadtrip, my month of Feed + Huel/Jimmy Joy meal replacements will be ended (I have the equivalent of 80 meals ordered), I will look into meal prep and fix what ever is not right in my actual meals.

- After the roadtrip, i’ll probably do mylo + RR and/or FitBod

- I’ll be back in few months with some nice pics I hope !

TTYL and thank you all. I AM PUMPED
@cruzhjo69 You need discipline, not motivation. Any programme you stick to will yield results.

Yes, you can active great results with 30 minute workouts, but diet will be the main factor in your progress.
@cruzhjo69 Have you looked at the programmes on here? The recommended routine is a good place to start. You could probably split it in to more workouts lasting less time.

There are great programmes by Dominic Sky, FitnessFAQs, most of the big YouTubers have programmes.

I don't use apps, don't want my phone near me when I work out.
@pocahuhntosss It help me Trump the question of.what to do... If it is simple it will work then

EDIT : apps will help me to know what to do. If this part is taken off = simpler = less friction.
Anything or app that can help create the workout habit for life ? Habit >motivation

You do the workouts and you see & feel the results. You stop doing the workouts and you see & feel the results. If that isn't enough to keep you going, what more do you think an app has to offer?
@cruzhjo69 I get what YOU say. Gamefied apps are a great tool because... Data. I love data. It's a positive feedback loop to see, sometimes create, visible progress even when the actual progress is a long way off.
Going in everyday then off for months ...

I think this is your problem. Going everyday is a hard switch and hard to maintain. Then you will do 1 or 2 days less and you will feel like shit, because you should always be improving right? And then you end up not going at all anymore.

Just do something you can maintain. Go 2/3 times a week and do that for a while, until it is a habit. Then you can look at adding another training day (If you need it, 2/3 times a week is enough to get a decent look)
@cruzhjo69 Hey mate, I've been in the same position as you. Training on and off for the past 4 years and I could never get the habit to stick. I've read countless of threads and tried many different apps that I thought I needed to help me aid my motivation. And let me tell you it's all an absolute waste of time. You only need 1 medium for tracking your calories, weight and workout progress (exercise progression, sets x reps).

I'm happy to say that I'm consistent with my fitness schedule now. Consistency over time is most important. Let me repeat that: consistency over time is the most fucking important thing. Drill that into your head.

I'm 177 cm and started at 52 kg. I got 57.5 kg in about 3 months. That's 5.5 kg weight gain. I worked out 3 times per week following the Recommended Routine and I ate 2500 calories per day.

Here's what helped me be consistent (notice how there are no fitness apps):
  • Being in a group of strong men who work out. This helped me by far the most. If you're female find a similar group. They keep me accountable because it feels like you have a duty to fulfill when everyone else is grinding hard. Seeing their progress fueled mine and vice versa. Sharing your progress with real humans trumps every motivational video or app because their reactions are not scripted! Use Discord to find fitness communities and start posting!
  • Eating food you enjoy. Fuck bland chicken over brocolli and rice. I found foods that I thoroughly enjoy that I don't mind eating every single day. Eating enough food always was the hard part for me and this makes it SO much easier. I don't consume whey protein or shakes. Seriously if I can do it as a severely underweight 52 kg skeleton then everyone can. If you want to know what I eat let me know, but remember your taste differs from mine.
  • Follow a workout schedule you enjoy. In the last 4 years I tried to go to the gym on and off. It took me 4 years to accept that I didn't enjoy it at all. Then I found calisthenics and bought a pair of gymnastic rings. I workout in my local park. I met new people this way, if the sun shines I go shirtless to get that vitamin D, fresh air everywhere.

    I was in the gym with a friend for the first time since COVID started the other day and I hated it. I'm in a dark hole with shitty music blasting and there are TV screens beaming ads into my eyes all around me. That's so much different to what I'm used to now.
  • Making progress pictures. Now if you are consistent in all of the above you WILL get gains. Actually seeing the difference in your body is the absolute best. Every Friday I log my current weight (weigh myself multiple times per week and then use the average) and take full body physique pictures. Put them in an album with the date. Now I can look back and see how my body progressed over time.
Seriously, stop looking for more information, apps, videos or whatever. The answer is so simple. You need to put your ego aside for the next 90 days and train with a specific goal in mind: consistency. Don't go train 6x a week and then do daily cardio. Focus on being consistent with a minimal schedule first. Forget the gains for now, they will be a byproduct of a far more important asset: CONSISTENCY.

If you have any questions feel free to message me. I'm more than happy to help because we are in the same boat.
@julesrn07 Thanks for your comment, just finish reading it twice.

You only need 1 medium for tracking your calories, weight and workout progress (exercise progression, sets x reps).

Paper ? Apps ? Word ?

I am not interested yet on diet since I have no control and will over it now. Leaving at my parent place. They good too nice ... Darn it.
@cruzhjo69 You can use whatever medium you enjoy using the most. The idea of keeping a bullet journal and logging my life in there sounded romantic to me because people on Reddit told me. So I bought a bullet journal but I quickly found out that I don't enjoy having to take it everywhere with me, reminding myself to bring a pen and it takes too much time to physically write. Tried to force it multiple times but it just didn't work.

You gotta experiment to figure out what you like. And if it feels like a drag every time when you have to do something, reiterate until it clicks.

I personally use Notion because imo it's the best app for taking notes and gathering data. I also recently found this app made by a guy in this subreddit and it looks promising. I also like to record some exercises with my phone camera.

I feel you on the living with parents part. I'm looking to move out soon as well because it's too comfortable, and I eat very different than they do so I'll make greater gains when I can cook for myself 100% of the time.

Edit: I use MyFitnessPal to track calories but I eat almost the same food almost every day so I don't log that often. I just weigh my portions.
@cruzhjo69 Yeah Diet is gonna be super important especially for abs and the ‘beach body’ look. Which isn’t bad, but eating grilled chicken/ground beef, rice and broccoli is def more important than which work outs you do.