6 years on on and off ... it s*cks ... App for workout ?

@cruzhjo69 You may have the gym part down but do you have the kitchen side?

Can always eat clean and see results without much change in exercise but you can never put exercise a poor diet.

If you’re sticking with a routine and exercising regularly but not seeing results after 1-3 months that you are happy with I’d suggest looking into your nutritional plan and investigate if you can tweak something there.
@cruzhjo69 You should get into rock climbing. It’s a full body workout that will get you very fit and is also TONS of fun!! You won’t even really notice that you’re working out. Maybe see if there’s a rock climbing gym near you.
@cruzhjo69 Switch ring fit won’t make your jacked BUT it’s great for building consistency. When I started I definitely felt those work outs since I was so inactive for a period. Can’t get much more gamification than a literal game.
@cruzhjo69 Most important question is how is your diet? And by diet I don’t mean what diet are you on but rather what are your eating habits?

Exercise is a routine you have to develop out of discipline, not motivation. You may not be motivated to get out of bed in the morning for work, but you do because you “have” to.
@cruzhjo69 there's your problem. what do you do after that month? go back to your sucky diet? and then you'll lose your progress again.

start small and easy, like no sugary drinks, or 1 more portion of vegetables each day, then some protein, etc. working towards a diet that you will actually stick to.
@dawn16 I actually do not eat between meals.

Eat a bowl of white rice and meat sometime fatty. Not enough fruit and veg.

Need more greens for sure.

After a month, i’ll be moving out from my parents’ house, then i’ll focus 100% on meal prep.
@cruzhjo69 And we’ve found your true problem: your diet sucks. 1 month isn’t going to fix it, you’ll be right back where you started the month after. Not only do you have zero discipline, when you are disciplined you’re going on a month long diet instead of changing your eating habits overall.
@cruzhjo69 Have you tried the Fitbod app? I used it for a bit, basically does what you’re asking, Tracks your workouts & notifies you of upcoming workouts etc.
@oobis101 I liked it overall, I had trouble coming up with full workouts & that app made it super easy, I would adjust whatever it recommended me to my liking, If you eliminate a workout it will give you a list of other workouts that will target the same muscle groups etc.
@cruzhjo69 As a 3x year old with ADHD, I found myself here because I'm on the same journey.

I REALLY TRULY SUCK at establishing any new habits unless there's some kind of negative reinforcement relationship to not doing the thing.

What I've found that works for me the best (so far) is co-commitment, like paying for gym classes right after work (financial investment + community expectation + no obstacles between work and gym to be distracted with).

On my own, committing to consistency. Eg, doing one thing every day, even if it's something small like walking to the shops instead of driving.

The biggest personal motivator, by far, has been observing and understanding the chemical changes in my brain. That's the instant gratification; setting up a timer and doing a 15 min tabata smash session and feeling endorphins rushing right afterwards. Stretching on the ground and enjoying the elation in that moment. Feeling connected to the ground, the sweat and sun and dirt. And for the rest of the day, how much better my mood is. How grateful my body and mind feels.

The internal motivations are by far, the most powerful if you can engage with them long term.

Also, I love apps. Less energy spent on deciding what to do, the better 👍🏼

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