A 15 minutes bodyweight routine for posture and strength imbalances correction - No equipment required

@coconut23 Can someone please do a 15 minute follow along video without much explanation. Maybe some voice over. So I can just fire it up before bed and do it.
@coconut23 As someone who's career and hobbies include sitting at a desk, it's hard to compile together things like this with little knowledge myself and being a dad just leaves me with less time than I'd like for research.

Bless your soul.
@coconut23 How does one hang without equipment?

Edit: I’m a bit of a newbie, but some of these are hard to even look up. Being on mobile I wonder if these are in the side bar.
@siier Could always go outside and find a park. If you live in a relatively modern city they'll have something there for you to hang off, failing that you could use the swing frame. Just don't do it when there's loads of kids about.
@dawn16 Well, the disclaimer is kind of frightening...

DISCLAIMER: This is an advanced workout with minimal instruction. DO NOT attempt this workout if you're a Foundation Training beginner and especially not if this is your first attempt at Foundation exercises. If done incorrectly, these exercises could potentially exacerbate your back pain, especially if you have a pre-existing condition, or injury.
@jake921 I do this workout 3-4 times a week and sofar it's done me only good. But i can see that it may be bad for people that have sustained injuries and/or that aren't "fit". Go by feel i would say but i am no expert.

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