A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

@fuegopentecostes 93kg at 172cm is not really unhealthy. It is some extra stress on the joints, but in my opinion the benefits of being fit out weights that.

Keep in mind people tend to underestimate their bodyfat. And the more muscular you are the better you look at higher bodyfat levels. He’s much more likely 20% bodyfat honestly. He’d probably be like 80kg at best if he’d drop down to 10% BF
@lddlells If I were to drop down to 10% I would lose ALOT of muscle in the process. I would probably weigh 70kg or even less.

I have tried to cut many times and the amount muscle that I lose is just not worth it. 15-20%BF is what I would recommend for natural bodybuilders.
@webslave Do you have some sort of mobility or medical issue with your triceps or shoulders? I can't imagine having the amount of muscle you had at the start of this journey, being able to pull 550lbs and struggling to do a set of bodyweight dips. To be completely honest I can't imagine capping out at +90lbs dips after 2 years training calisthenics either, I don't do calisthenics but I know I could do that easily.

Also, do you have a physique pic? 205 @ 5'8 is really impressive if your bf is actually around 15%. ~27 FFMI while natural is no joke.

Congratulations on your progress :)
@napoleon111 Thank you.

I suffered from shoulder discomfort prior to starting calisthenics-based training. I was struggling to do 10 regular BW dips in the beginning.

I do 90lbsx10 on ring dips now which is more shoulder dominant compared to parallel-bar dips.

Calisthenics movements are humbling at a higher bodyweight. Imaging going from pulling 550lbs to not even being able to do 10 proper reps on the dips. It is no joke to move around with 200lbs on dips and pull ups. Even better when you add weight.
@letstalkbible Monday: Heavy push day - Weighted dips, low-bar triceps extensions. (Add lots of volume to triceps - 10-20 sets)

Tuesday: Heavy pull day - Weighted pull ups, bicep focused chin-ups, BW curls on rings. (Add lots of volume to biceps 10-20 sets)

Wednesday: Legs. Romanian deadlift, dumbbell squats, lunges.

Thursday: Arms. Everything I'd do for arms on Mon and Tue just with more volume.

Friday: Rest.

Saturday and Sunday: These two days you can add whatever muscle groups you want to focus on. I used to repeat Monday and Tuesday push/pull just without adding weights to my pull ups or dips.
@webslave How long are your workouts typically? Seems like you’re only doing 2-3 exercises a day. Are you doing lots and lots of sets?

Interested because I have a hard time fitting longer workouts into my schedule. This seems like a cool minimalist approach which could help me be more consistent.
@webslave That’s awesome. Would you mind sharing how you would structure your workouts and routine? I think since in this sub there’s not enough talk about bodybuilding/ hypertrophy style training it would be useful to have a comprehensive view of how to go about this kind of training even for just a Mesocycle.
@horsta Monday: Heavy push day - Weighted dips, low-bar triceps extensions. (Add lots of volume to triceps - 10-20 sets)

Tuesday: Heavy pull day - Weighted pull ups, bicep focused chin-ups, BW curls on rings. (Add lots of volume to biceps 10-20 sets)

Wednesday: Legs. Romanian deadlift, dumbbell squats, lunges.

Thursday: Arms. Everything I'd do for arms on Mon and Tue just with more volume.

Friday: Rest.

Saturday and Sunday: These two days you can add whatever muscle groups you want to focus on. I used to repeat Monday and Tuesday push/pull just without adding weights to my pull ups or dips.
Monday: Heavy push day - Weighted dips, low-bar triceps extensions. (Add lots of volume to triceps - 10-20 sets)

Tuesday: Heavy pull day - Weighted pull ups, bicep focused chin-ups, BW curls on rings. (Add lots of volume to biceps 10-20 sets)

Wednesday: Legs. Romanian deadlift, dumbbell squats, lunges.

Thursday: Arms. Everything I'd do for arms on Mon and Tue just with more volume.

Friday: Rest.

Saturday and Sunday: These two days you can add whatever muscle groups you want to focus on. I used to repeat Monday and Tuesday push/pull just without adding weights to my pull ups or dips.
@webslave I know I want heavier barbells and I have a bench. But are you szying bands and cords can make the same gains
I been out the gym for almost a yr and out my home gym with lilttle ewup (bech barbell hec 2 kettle 25 and 30 lbs and dumbells 20 35 pound trx) cant deadlift sith new downstiars ppl till i get matts but
@tietan If I was in your situation I would find a local park/area to do high volume dips/pull-ups if possible. Get home and rep out your kettlebells/dumbbells for smaller muscle groups (side laterals, biceps, triceps etc.)