About 8 months on the RR and 2 months using IF

@etheri Yeah man, that whole vegan idea of eating carbs all day long even though you aren’t active is nuts. Plus idk why they all tend to like shun fats. It’s wild.

Look, in the end whatever makes you happy and works is the right idea but to keep telling ppl “you should eat this and fats are bad but carbs are good” is wrong. Plus I hate using fats and carbs to describe food. A slice of cheese is not a handful of nuts and a slice of wonder bread is not a sweet potato lol
@etheri Exactly, I still eat mad carbs too but just added a shit ton of fats in there as well.

That 80-10-10 and fruitarian and starch solution shit is REALLY DUMB lol I'm sorry I'm just being honest. I feel like those ppl are so bad for veganism because they make us all look insane lol
@jhillaire84 Hey folks, just came across this thread while searching more about vegan diet and RR. I not sure if I understood the fat & satiety connection. Would you point me to anything I could read more, please? I'm on a plant based diet for over 1.5 years and 2 weeks ago I started RR from the ground up. I want to make sure I'm eating also properly. At the moment I stuff myself healthy and good food, up to the point that I cannot have a spoon of anything else for that meal. Usually getting around 2400 calories a day with over 130g of protein, with help from protein powders. Curios to see other options so I don't have to "work out" also while eating meals :)
@jhillaire84 Nice work man! Glad it's working for ya!

Maybe next time consider posting this type of thing in the Monthly Physique thread. It is on the first day of each month (which was yesterday!). We need more participation over there, and typically progress posts are required to have more info included (stats, before and after pics, routine and diet specifics, etc). Looking good, keep it up!
@jhillaire84 Sure thing! Start checking in each month in the Physique thread if you want! It's a good accountability tool, gotta be lookin good by the 1st every month! :D