Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

@jayaraj It’s a myth. Squat bros like to go on about CNS but that’s largely been debunked. It’s a great compound but one that also places massive compressive and shearing forces on the spine. The idea you can’t get as good a stimulus on your quads or glutes with ulterior exercises is pure bro science.
@gennadi Leg Press/Extensions are better for quads

RDL/Leg Curls are better for hams and glutes

You're not missing out on anything besides the ability to tell others how much you squat
@jayaraj Hey man, I was wondering the same.

For me, I feel alot of pain in the neck area (bad posture may contribute to that), so I dont squat at all. But my legs are enormous, without sounding to self-loving. :D

So in conclusion, I dont think suqats are needed. Tho Tom Platz swears on Squats.
@jayaraj heavy sets Leg press, the one where u only push the weight, not urself.

Hacksquat like sometimes, when i feel like more quads.

same for leg extensions.

That seated hamstring mashine, with the Tom Platz technique.


In the video he uses the mashine, where u lie on ur stomach, I dont like that one.

Then I do the adductors and glutes mashine.

Im natural, tho i prefer the many Sets, many Reps, much weight Strat for Legs, with clean form. Im not trynna fck my knees.

Instead of the 3x12 stuff
@jayaraj Some form of squat is one of the best lower body exercises. So I would not recommend eliminating them completely.

But as far as heavy barbell back squats? I seriously don't think I've done a single one of those in my entire life. Frankly it's because I wouldn't feel safe doing them.

Lately my barbell back squats are at 40 lbs. In the past I've done barbell back squats or dumbbell squats at up to 60 lbs or so. Using such low weight works for me because I rep out a large variety of different leg exercises until my legs feel like I'm dragging tree trunks around. Everything from lunges in all varieties and lots of weighted step ups among other things. I put in time on the stair climber as well.

But my fall back is regular old air squats. I'll knock out 50 of those when I'm doing calisthenics on my recovery days from lifting, so maybe two or three times a weeek. I admire folks who have the time to really rep it out and do several hundred air squats a day.

My legs and glutes are first class by the way (or so I'm told).

So I support your search for alternatives that work better for you. There are an endless number of ways to squat, or to replicate the motion, or to train the muscle groups that squats target. Good luck.
@jayaraj well you can change normal squat with front squat and even if not enough you can do a quad isolation before then do it i am very sure you gonna feel your quads like that
@jayaraj If you're lifting for performance (strength or athletics) then I would keep them. If your concern is hypertrophy, I wouldn't worry about it. All that stuff about increasing testosterone and working your CNS seems to be overblown based on what I hear from people who know more than I do.

I usually do legs twice a week. If I go heavier, I'll do squats once a week (mainly to give my back a break since I'm older). Lately I've been going lighter with a deeper squat and higher reps, so I've been doing twice a week. So that's an option as well.

Like you, I don't like the typical squat stance. I point my toes forward with a narrow stance. When I used to lift in a gym, I had someone compliment me on my ability to do that. I told him it's the only way my knees don't hurt, so I just stick with it and don't over think it.
@shawndude When you say strength. Do you mean squatting strength or overall strength. Does squats make me stronger as an individual in comparison to leg press ?
@jayaraj First, let me say I'm not an expert. But I have experience and spend a fair bit of time researching.

I don't think anything is going to improve your squatting strength better than doing squats. I'm not a power lifter, but there's a reason they build their workouts around their 3 lifts (deads, squats, bench).

I also think squats will make you overall stronger than leg machines. But if you're just trying to make your legs bigger, taking away the necessity to balance and hold the load on your back isn't a bad thing. I played basketball, so athletic performance was more important than hypertrophy so I've always done squats and its variations. I still do because I lift at home, but at my age I would definitely use more machines if I had the option.
@shawndude But what if your doing bodybuilding like training and already training every muscle group (including upper body ones) twice a week. Doesnt that make the extra strength benefits of squats redundant ? Maybe squats benefit atheletes that dont really work on or focus on their upper body ? Is that how it works.
@jayaraj Are you doing leg workouts for leg hypertrophy, for athletic performance, or to be able to squat more weight? It sounds like you want hypertrophy (and we are in a bodybuilding sub). If that's the case, I wouldn't worry about reducing or eliminating sessions where you include barbell squats.
@shawndude For leg strength and leg hypotrophy. Im assuming squats build more overall body strength but would it build more leg strength ? I think its the same no ?
@jayaraj Squats aren't necessary if you can sub each body part with something you actually enjoy. I haven't squatted in years due to lower back issues. I just stick to leg press, RDL, etc. Workouts I actually look forward to doing.