Am I working out wrong? .... 22y/o - 5'8" - 147 Lb
@mamajaiy As long as u see weight gain every week then u are good like a pound a week is usually a good sign.
@mamajaiy Dude eat another 60g of protien a day. Youre only getting enough protien to maintain 140lbs.
@dawn16 I can barely eat 140 grams of protein per day/ 200 a day sounds like a job. Isn't too much protein bad for your kidneys? Also I don't work in physical labor so the only exercise I get daily is going to the gym and skating a few miles to school.
@mamajaiy Not 200gs man. You need to learn more about nutrition for bodybuilding.
@dawn16 Ok I'm confused what you're saying. You said add another 60g's of protein. I'm eating around 140g/ protein a day. 360-400g/carbs. 60-80g/fat and I eat fruits and vegetables and try to split it up between 4 sometimes 5 meals a day. Clean eating too
We're talking about an extra two scoops of whey proten and 8oz of milk here (24+24+8), not 5lbs of tough steak.
Look up Flexible Dieting by Lyle McDonald or anything by Layne Norton on nutrition. Buy starting Strength and Beyond Brawn. You'e doing everything from your routine to your nutrition
@mamajaiy I believe your routine leaves too much rest time to each bodypart. I would advice you to look into full body routines, they are specially effective with newbies.
@mamajaiy Tiny rep ranges...come on man...3-5 all the way down? Where's your variation? Where are your 20 rep sets? Mix it up, nothing wrong with 3-5 but where's the rest? You mention nothing about your protein intake, only total calories..whats your daily protein intake? Less than 150g? Theres your problem.
@jeffku I used to do 8-12, 6-8, just happened the last few weeks I've been trying out the low rep range. But I think the biggest problem is my split. Like everyone mentioned I need to be hitting every muscle group at least 2 times a week and my current split is shit. Daily protein intake around 140g. I've also been on a 99% vegetarian diet the last year. I think I am going to be eating meat again next year. However recently I've been eating salmon and it has a ton of protein in it.
@jeffku Yeah, I said the same. 3-5 in main lifts is great if he’s training for power or strength sports, but aesthetically, it ain’t it. Hit them reps mane!
@mamajaiy I think you look pretty good. Personally, I’d bulk with a focus on volume.
Consider working these body parts with priority:
- upper chest work with a >45° incline
- tricep work for arm mass (biceps are cool but won’t give you big arms and you’ll likely be disappointed)
- bicep work, although I can’t tell how well developed yours are here. Personally I believe building width and then height is best but that’s up to you
- back
Your delts look okay for a young natty imo. Try increasing your lateral delt work a bit.
Mostly increase your reps and focus on contraction and slowness. Try to spend 1 second on the “up” (concentric) part of the lift and 4 on the “down” (eccentric) part of the lift. Work on increasing weight a bit week by week.
@wanelad I know I need too. Considering I've been vegetarian the last year it's a job to get in a ton of calories every day. Peanut butter is a great food for dense calories, but I'm not the biggest fan of it. Need to just eat it regardless
@wanelad I kind of agree with you on that one. My mom and sister are both vegan and I tried it out for a change. It's cool, I don't think it's for everyone. I don't think it's healthy to eat 2-3 steaks a day. But there is definitely a healthy balance for eating meat. Considering the last 3 weeks have been tough as hell to eat all the protein for my daily intake I'm probably going to start eating a ton of salmon and maybe chicken.
@mamajaiy Chicken and beef = gains man. You’ll gain some body fat with the increased calories but your strength will go through the roof.
@mamajaiy Eat more and do a lot of incline. Forget flat bench it's great for powerlifting and football but not for getting a big chest. Eat in at least a 500 calorie surplus and hit incline do at least 5 sets and watch your upper chest grow.