AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

@deetbug So my training regime is simple block periodization that starts the surplus with heavy limit strength and moves to german volume then starts to hit mentalities like pre-exhaustion and pulse volume at the end of the surplus and then slips into super sets, giant sets and centurion style lifts closer to the show which focuses more on expenditure than anything else. Macros i dont do like other people in the sense of I eat to fit the maros. I calculate my macros based on the phase and write a diet and STICK TO IT! I know im old school in the sense of i believe that 95% of people can not prosper on IIFYM and i get alot of hate for that but its just how i feel and the ones that do prosper always say the same thing: "Well I usually eat 80% of the same stuff anyway just because its easier" Well then how IIFYM is it really lol
  1. How much do you bench?
  2. How much protein do you eat?
  3. My friends cousin did a muscle show once and all he ate was tuna and broccoli and didn't drink water for like 2 weeks.
@chuckhere hahah for those who dont know, this is my photgrapher for ever world, universe and olympia level contest ive ever done. If you are looking for the BEST in fitness photogrpahy, I highly recommend @chuckhere!

1- 327lbs (162 bW) just before the meet was cancelled

2- i actually tend to WAY overfeed protein as a means of keeping myself satiated when deep in the cut so about 1.2-1.5g /lb of BW just a means of satiating myself.

3- Your friend is an idiot and anyone reading this should NOT do this lol.
@cy26629 Haha I'm glad you picked up on the name and didn't think I was just an idiot. Hopefully see you again soon, once all this craziness blows over and we can travel again. Also could you convert the LBs to KGs for me?
@paparazi257 What is your offseason nutrition like? How strict are you with your diet in the offseason and roughly what sort of bodyfat% do you stay at?

What sort of training do you do in the offseason?

Thank you for doing this AMA, btw you look amazing on stage.
@nattyz Thanks for the kind words man!

Off season I always reverse diet pretty strict but after that o tend to eat intuitively for the first 4 weeks afterward just to give myself a diet break. After that I tend to calculate up 7% or so on all macros every 2 weeks until I start to stagnate around 174-178. I’m pretty evenly keeled in terms of sensitively to fat and carbs so I tend to split higher carbs than fat. 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat but the overall count fluctuates depending on what lifting block I’m in. Off season tends to skew heavily on limit strength and German volume.
  • something about personal motivation to stay natural and compete
  • potential for competitors to not be natural but still qualify for said comps
  • biggest accomplishment (in or outside of bodybuilding) and future goals
@bindman - You will NEVER convince someone of ANYTHIG they are dead set on. No test at any increment of time or any amount of surveilence will prove to a "YEA OK SURE BRO!" Its like standing in front of someone whos calling you an asshole over and over again and just replying "BRO... IM NOT!" It serves no purpose. If your goal is to do something... ANYTHING... do it because YOU want to and do it so YOU know you did it the way you wanted. Fuck everyone and everything else.

-Its no secret that if theres money... people will cheat. Just as in the world at large, i cant and never will be able to control others. Focus on self and when you beat them and they test postivie anyway (happened 3x for me in contests lol) it makes it all the sweeter. Also... the reason i married my federation (INBA/PNBA) for the long haul is they are the only federation to post their failures and findings. Marry a federation youre confident is actively seeking to expose cheaters and even though they wont catch them all, it deters a LARGE number of them.

-My world level titles (Universe and Olympia) meant the most in the moment but stuff like this where people want my advice or to hear about my life experience means way more in the long run. Id like to run with that after my PhD and become a professor :)
@crink I wish the tests were cheaper so every person at every show could be tested via blood AND urine and that it was a requirement for ALL competitors and their results to be posted... failure or not. Transparency is key to the truth and expansion in this sport man. Without it no one will take us seriously.
@commando95 Nope! Heres why... I chose my federation because of how they treated me and other competitors and also because they are the only federation to actually post their failures and even have pictures of the people and what they tested for. Until that level playing feild and transparency hits other federations, I wont even consider it. And even if it does, this is where my career and clout is. As a career move, why would i try to restart that just to say I did you know?