Any other petite girlies with high deficits?


New member
I’m 15F SW71kg CW64kg 5’1 I workout 6 days a week at home for about 1 hour and a half or two hours, thursdays always for rest, I try to lift weights 3 days a week. My maintenance in cals is 2300, to lose 0.5kg a week my maintenance is 1800. Which I eat less than non intentionally. I used to never listen to my body but now I am trying to and I’m not shoving food into my mouth just because I want the taste to always be there. I savor it and just remind myself I can have it again later if I want to. The other day I didn’t even eat a whole family sized pringles! I took 3 pieces and returned 1 cuz I felt like not having it! Crazy. My goal weight is 55 my ultimate is 46-48 and then I’ll focus entirely on building muscle!!

Good luck to all of you!
@sorthodox You are young and still growing, please talk to your doctor about your concerns. I don't think the internet is the best place for someone who isn't an adult to discuss this kind of thing. I don't mean this to make you feel bad or anything, but the diet advice here is geared towards adults.
@blingey123 Once again I'm not saying and have not said anything one way or the other about her diet and exercise. If you find any other post by teenagers here you will see other people literally saying that the advice here is meant for adults. I'm looking out for OP because people can give questionable advice to impressionable young people. Not criticizing anything about what shes doing.
@disneyaspie But what a visit to a doctor gonna achieve? Doctors are not personal trainers, they are not there to make a meal plan and a work out routine for you. They can only tell you that yes, you are overweight and should lose weight.
@sorthodox I'm not saying anything one way or another. I have no opinion other than that you should consult with your doctor because the subreddit is intended for petite adults, people here aren't qualified to discuss pediatric nutrition/fitness and the advice here is inappropriate for a still growing body.
@sorthodox I think you’re doing really well in listening to your body and not just eating entire cans of chips because you crave it! Keep listening to your body, make sure to eat enough things that give you energy and don’t forget to treat yourself every once in a while too, that is also part of a healthy lifestyle :)
@geneh33 I actually treat myself sorta everyday lol.. which I know isn’t really healthy to just have chocolates and candy everyday, im trying to minimize them a little. And thanks! Whenever I post anything about losing weight people always say the opposite of what you said which is just extremely annoying

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