Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

3,000 calories is around my maintenance (and I’m only around 140 lbs at 5’ 11”), but I’m struggling to figure out where to get the extra calories to bulk. YouTube seems mostly aimed at weight loss or guys are making gains with like 2,500 calories a day.

I struggle to keep fiber/volume down so that I can actually digest the food. I already eat around 80-100 g of nuts/seeds/nut butters a day (not sure if it’s unhealthy to eat too much) and avocados too. My main meals and snacks include rice, quinoa, oats, legumes, tofu, tempeh, various veggies and fruits, but I don’t think I can stomach larger portions of those. Just curious what your meals look like for those who are eating closer to 3,500 calories a day and where you pick up the extra calories.
@missionaryadvocate Carbs. Lots of carbs. Oatmeal, pasta, bread, coconut sugar. Some days I burn more than 3000 calories on the bike. I aim for 80 grams of simple sugar per hour while riding. Carbs are fuel. I'm not into strength training though, only cycling.
@missionaryadvocate I had to go north of 3000 to finally start gaining. At one point I was just eating naan bread dipped in olive oil every day, but I backed that off once I got in the ballpark I wanted
@kiranlee 5’0 here. I feel your pain. Average sized people really don’t understand how little I have to eat to lose or maintain. It sounds ridiculous to them and I fully agree. 😭
@missionaryadvocate I get your pain. One quick way around this is to drink your calories but in a healthy way. E.g. make an oats+banana+chia+peanut butter+fruit/veggie+soymilk+protein powder smoothie, about ~600 calories worth, and drink it mid-day or before bed. Serious bodybuilders with insane metabolism even set an alarm at 1 am to wake up, cook and eat a quick high-protein meal, and go back to bed! Not saying you need to do that extreme, but you have to work with the body type you have. You can do it!

Edit: Drinking the smoothie with a straw makes it easier :)
@missionaryadvocate Have you tried drinking your extra calories? My maintenance is over 3k per day and I start each day with a shake that gives me about 800 cals and 70g of protein. It’s a good way to make sure I start off the day on the right foot.

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