Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

@marjo I’m 5’0 and the last time I hit 119 was after going through a horrible breakup where I could barely eat, was incredibly depressed and drinking way more whiskey than was good for me so ya..sounds low for 5’4
@dandini I think you’re missing the point. This suggestion to the OP is coming from a trainer who is helping build muscle. 119 from depression and 119 from working out are two completely different things that look completely different.
@catrandy I 100% agree with you there! But it just seems weird that the trainer would recommend such a seemingly low weight for that height while putting in muscle, you know? I guess it makes sense if you’re on a big cut, but it seems tough!
@marjo That's what I was thinking! I am 5'3 and weighed 145 at my lowest and was in a small and a size 4 in pants, also ridiculously buff and able to squat my own weight.

People carry weight differently and muscle weighs more than fat.
@billiejean Yup!! Can go the other way too- my friend weighs 10 lbs more than I do and is the same height as me and yet we have basically the same measurements. She played sports in high school and I didn’t so she just has more muscle
@billiejean It's a sledgehammer that everyone uses as a scalpel. Sure, weight needs to be relative to somthing to have meaning, but this should be a tool for broad studies, involving the general population. A way to look for trends and correlations, not individual health advice. It's lazy.
@billiejean According to BMI i need to drop 15 lbs to be healthy, preferably 20

I took a dexa scan and i have 90 lbs of lean muscle. Add in 30 lbs of bones and organs, that leaves 0 for fat or skin