Anybody getting 3,300+ calories a day?

@missionaryadvocate My metabolism is very fast due to a congenital defect, so despite being considerably smaller and lightweight I sometimes have to go 3000 or above for a couple weeks to gain back weight I'll have lost.

Most fruits and veggies don't give enough calories to straight up bulk with, but they're useful to add to other snacks because they're mostly water and not filling. For example, if you eat pineapple with legumes it adds an interesting flavor, gives ~80 extra calories for a cup, plus the moisture and bromelain helps with the bean digestion.

Like you I eat a lot of nuts/seeds/nut butters - around 85g at minimum - but sometimes I'll have extra nuts and pair it with grapes. Not only is this tastier than nuts on their own, it also adds close to 100 calories from 20 grapes. Might toss an orange into the mix as well, or a cucumber (though that doesn't give much).

I very rarely eat processed food, but when I badly need to bulk back up I'll sometimes pick up a loaf of bread (dark rye) and have a sandwich or two outside of meals. Maybe peanut butter and apple slices, or even something like fake meat with tomato and cabbage. This is an easy way to pick up 200+ calories quickly, but I don't make a habit out of it because I don't like to eat this way.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are also one of my go-to options, with either steamed potatoes or homemade fries. That might not be an option if you want to keep fiber/volume down though. It depends on how much you can stomach. I can eat a shockingly high amount of food for my size.

Nutritional yeast is a good way to add calories to any non-fruit food you're having. Throw it on salad, beans, potatoes, roasted carrots, etc. It's around 60 calories and 7g of protein for two tablespoons, along with a nice chunk of B vitamins.

Baked tofu is a nice snack option if you have eaten other sources of protein that day. I use extra firm tofu, and usually eat 1/4 of a block (85g serving). It's a very snackable 130 calories if you spice and bake them nice and crispy.

I also freeze bananas and use them to make faux ice cream, which is my most frequently practiced way to pick up calories. It's 1.5-2 bananas blendered with ~0.4cup of whatever milk (usually coconut). The size of bananas determines how much milk, since you don't want to use too much or it'll be watery. At the right ratio it will have a consistency and taste very similar to ice cream. I'll add a scoop of protein powder into it, plus some other frozen fruit for different flavors. With two bananas, a scoop of protein, and maybe some blueberries it can reach 300 calories for a bowl. It's not very filling either, so you can still get dinner in around it.

The challenge I find, and that I'm sure you run into as well, is that on the vegan diet it's difficult to pursue high calories without also getting higher than desired carbs and/or fat. Yeah someone could scarf down pasta and junk food to bulk, but in my experiences you feel like crap after doing that.
@missionaryadvocate You need to actually track your calories through an app or something. I'm 5'11 as well but weigh around 190 with 15% BF. Just eat more calorie dense foods, nut butters, fruit juice, olive oils, carbs, fats.

I suspect you aren't actually consuming what you think you are and at 140lbs you are severely underweight (if male). Might be worth consulting with a nutritionist tbh.

This is what my meal plan sort of looks like while bulking but I will add in a yogurt, sweets, and juices to add in extra calories if needed. I do switch the meals up obviously but try to keep macros as closely as possible.

Morning: breakfast sandwich with sausage patty, hash brown, and tofu egg patty and protein shake ~ 53g protein and 750 calories

Mid morning snack: PB and J with a glass of protein milk ~ 44g protein 800 calories

Lunch: Morning Star Chickn fajitas w/ corn tortillas, black beans, and fajita veggies 48g protein 600 calories

Afternoon snack/PWO : Clif builder bar 20g protein 280 calories, apple, or 1/2 cup oatmeal

Dinner: Spaghetti with protein chickpea pasta and gardein beef grounds 30g protein 450 calories

Pre bed snack: Special K Berry Premier Protein Cereal 30g protein 310 calories

This is about 3200 calories

If I miss a snack I'll just add a protein shake with a meal.
@jamesalbright I’ve been tracking strictly for a year with MacroFactor and weigh all my food. I’m confident I’m tracking about as accurately as one can. Thanks for the tips though. What’s your protein shake recipe?
@missionaryadvocate Nothing fancy, just silk protein milk 1/2 cup, ice, water, and a heaping scoop to two scoops of true nutrition vegan Lean protein powder. I don't blend it, just in a shaker bottle. Sometimes protein shakes make my stomach not feel great so I try to avoid them if possible and just eat more food.
@danielson0101 Niiice yeah it's my go to pre-bed snack! The have a chocolate one too and kellogs has a pretty good cinnamon one if you wanna switch it up. I just buy what ever is on sale or the cheapest.
@missionaryadvocate Used to be me when I was insanely active.

Honestly I consumed a lot of carbs and it was glorious.

These days I’m moderately active (CrossFit, climbing, running) and eat ~2200 a day.

I miss being that active! But I’m only 5’6 so a little goes a long way. 😅
@missionaryadvocate I have a similar problem to you. 6'2 and I have to eat around 3,300 - 3,500 calories a day to gain.

Some cheats I found helpful are:

Smoothies - I have one every day on my drive into work. Banana, apple, some other fruit, handful of nuts and 350ml soy milk and there's at least 600cal I barely notice I'm consuming.

Protein bagels with pb, banana and chia seeds. Can easily bash out 700cal of these as an evening snack.

Might be more of a UK thing, but Scottish oat cakes and hummus. It's like 60cal a cake (they're tiny) plus the hummus. Really easy to get a few hundred calories in a small snack.

Those compressed nut and dried fruit bars. Naked is the main brand in the UK. 150-200cal in literally a few bites
@missionaryadvocate I don't see many people offering advice, so I'll try. I get about 1,500 calories a day from smoothies. 1 cup soy milk, oat powder, protein powder, and a banana will get you close to 500 calories and you can easily add more oat powder or peanut butter. I get my oat powder from muscle feast. Do not use oat flour. You can use oats instead, but I prefer oat powder because it blends better.
@missionaryadvocate My husband eats about that. I like to have recipes I can toggle to higher or lower calorie depending on the situation.

Rainbow salad with spicy peanut butter sauce (two serving of PB should be good for you. I’ll do PB powder and extra vinegar when it needs to be lower)

Tofu caprese salad with garlic bread - don’t go easy on the olive oil!

Pasta with a seed butter - hot or cold. Lemon tahini and peas with mint is nice for spring

Basically I lean into seed butters and fats. It’s easy to use less / substitute spicy when it needs to be less calories.
@missionaryadvocate I get up there at times, but I'm considerably heavier/taller. Frankly, when trying to reach those calories I just crush shakes with a whole buncha flax, chia, hemp, walnut, peanut butter, fruit, soy milk, coconut yogurt, and protein scoops. I can easily make a 700-1000 kcal shake loaded with goodness. Yes it ends up being a big shake, but I find that more palatable than eating a ton of food.

That plus calorie dense meals like high-protein pasta, vegan sausages/meatballs/whatever, multi-grain bread and some olive oil can go a long way. Shout out to the Hummusapien Lasagna with Hummus/Tofu Ricotta. I eat this pretty regularly with high-protein lasagna noodles and it's amazing.

If I'm really struggling to reach the numbers I'll eat a brick of tofu sauteed in a Sriracha/peanut butter concoction, or just straight up eat an entire bag of vegan buffalo nuggets with a head of butter lettuce. Get your proteins yes, but don't sleep on carbs and fats too!
@missionaryadvocate I can hit around that pretty easily. AM is a breakfast burrito. That’s around 800-900 cals. Lunch is blt sandwich, chips, Greek yogurt with protein granola Pre gym apple and pbj sandwich. Post gym two scoops protein powder. Dinner is some sort of seitan/rice/veg. Maybe a handful of nuts here and there if I need a snack.

I’m usually hungry when each meal rolls around as well. Also ends up around 200g or protein if you care about that.
@missionaryadvocate Not at the moment but I do in the winter

I have about at least 50g of peanut butter in my shake

Snack on nuts throughout the day (around 100g)

I have a fairly large dinner

And I always have a dessert

I'll put on weight with that diet at 80kg though so I'm not sure you even need that much

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