Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

@jonathan_gale Same problem here, slightly worse. I have been doing CF for a mind boggling 11 years and got ring muscle ups first time I tried, a month in, 3 unbroken. STILL cannot do a bar muscle up. Still doing rings, that bar eludes me. And also, no double unders.
@samerobert In a similar boat with toes to rings. Got em about 6 months in and yet 5 years later I can still barely do T2B singles, let alone stringing any together.
@cryptic1 That’s right. I’m ok with it. Everyone has their gift in fitness, their wheelhouse movements, and the thing or two they suck at. I can out pull up and out row and out rope climb and out push up 90% of my gym at 53, and won’t trade those bragging rights!
Also, a few months ago I snapped a green band doing last pull downs!
@jonathan_gale butterfly chest to bars .. i can do muscle ups of all kinds, including strict, i can handstand walk, i have a sub 2 grace and a sub 3 fran but for the life of me i cannot string more than like three c2b together without my shoulders getting completely exhausted. So, screw it, i just kip 'em.
@bacsb0 I really think that C2B and Squat Snatch are the two hardest skill to master in crossfit (wayyyy harder than RMU, BMU, pistol, HSW, Crossover DU, etc).
@frank12 funny, squat snatch is one of my other least favorite.. my power snatch is like 30 pounds better than my squat snatch lol. Might just be "being 45 years old"
@bacsb0 High high hang snatch drills (think startng at the top of the shrug on toes, the end of the extension) helped me gain confidence to get under the bar in a squat, and mobility improvements of course.
@jonathan_gale This will probably be downvoted, but assuming you’re referring to kipping bar MUs, you ought to try to learn a gymnastics glide kip, or at least try the drills. I learned to do the glide kip and then regressed it down to what is the CrossFit muscle up.

Here’s a through tutorial:
@ogbaki It’s all about recognizing where your CoG is. If you aren’t putting your weight over your plant foot you’ll have a really hard time. I’d recommend using a stiff/heavy band to work through the placement of the centre of gravity.
@ogbaki It's not as straight forward as just squatting and not using one leg, you do have to lean quite a bit to get your center of mass in line. Try using a PVC for balance on the same side as your planted foot.