Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

@shiner3lima Crazy how different people are! C&J i still can’t get after 7 months. Snatches i immediately picked up. I can snatch 160 now and my clean and jerk max is like 155 lol.
@girlintheclouds This is dawning on me. I've been working on snatch with a coach 1:1 for the last few months, once per week. Making progress, but pretty slow if I'm honest. I think a block of sessions in one week might help to speed up progress.

It really is one of those movements where proficient athletes make it looks easy, then when you try it you find there are many ways to get it wrong.
@autism Or work with coach 1x week. Hopefully a coach experienced with the movement. If you add sessions to work on it while you are alone do less technical variations such as: hip snatch, hip snatch with pause in the bottom of the squat, pause overhead squat. When a true beginner asks me for snatch programming, it’s all about getting them movements they can’t screw up. Practicing incorrect technique is no good.
@shiner3lima Also figure out what your issue is? Speed under the bar, bar path, bad pull, poor acceleration, no stability overhead, mobility (where), OHS.

From there you can figure out a path to improve besides just snatching and potentially reinforce bad patterns.
@jonathan_gale I was in this boat for a while with BMU at just got my first one (2 days after I did 24.3 and about 30 mins before the cut off so no redo for me)

You’ll get there. I stopped trying to do actual BMU and just focussed on the drills. The big things for me were the hips to bar with straight arms and jumping BMU. I had such a mental block on being comfortable on the high bar and also treating it like a big pull up.

Now to do them in a WOD.
@edweve71 Start behind the bar, big swing through then push down hard on the bar and start raising your feet at the same time (or knee to chest type movement). Try and keep your arms completely locked out until your shoulders are over the bar. Don’t even think about the hip drive until you’re up there
@kaitlynturner That’s awesome! I feel very comfortable up there … it’s getting there that is the problem! Taking time to just focus on the exercises is a good idea. Although I did do one 6-week program where the only time I attempted a BMU was the last week. So by the time I tested myself and failed again, the course was over.
@jonathan_gale I did the same thing. We had focussed skills sessions in the run up to the open. Last week I tried to get BMUs and didn’t. Then a week later I did. After a WOD so it’s not like I came in fresh.

The good news is that you’ve done the drills and the programming so as long as your technique in that is good, your first BMU will be good as well. Because I spent so long on drills and technique stuff I caught it at my belly button and no chicken wing at all.