Attempted new weighted pullup 1RM and failed. Review of routine (BBB 5/3/1)?


New member
Hey guys,

Several weeks ago I decided to try the Boring But Big 5/3/1 program adapted to weighted pullups.

My 1RM was 47.5kg, at a bodyweight of 74kg so 121.5kg total (267lbs).

I attempted a new 1RM of 50kg on the last day of week 6 and failed. Could only get eye to bar.

So I'm now questioning how effective the BBB 5/3/1 routine might actually be in improving my 1RM. My main goals is strength (especially the 1RM) and gaining muscle.

Each week is 4 days; and instead of 5x10 varied between 50-80% I did 3x10 at 70%.

All percentages are calculated based on Training Max (e.g. 90% of 1RM).

Week 1 : 5 x 65%, 75%, 5+ at 85%. Then 3x10.

Week 2: 3 x 70%, 80%, 3+ at 90%. Then 3x10.

Week 3: 5 x 75%, 3 x 85%, 1+ at 95%.
Then 3x10.

I decided to skip the deload for weeks 4 and 8, and just go straight into adding 2.5kg progression.

This is what I did for my first three weeks:

Week 1: Bodyweight (65% would be less than bodyweight), 8kg, 19kg. 2.5kg

Week 2: 2.5kg, 13.5kg, 24.5kg. 2.5kg

Week 3: 8kg, 19kg, 30kg. 2.5kg.

Cycle finished, started the next hence added 2.5kg to the previous cycles calculations.

Week 6 hence was;
5 reps at 10.5kg, 3 reps at 21.5kg, 1+ at 32.5kg. 3x10 at 5kg.

(My 1RM attempt was done where I would’ve normally did the 1+ at 32.5kg.)

So since failing the 1RM attempt, I’ve just continued and started the new cycle, hence now on week 7 (adding 2.5kg to week 4 calculations);

Week 7: 5 reps at 5kg, 13kg, 5+ at 24kg. 3x10 at 7.5kg.

Should I continue with this program? I’ll be honest I’ve made a couple of posts sort of alluding to this same question, and most of the time I’ve heard about either 5/3/1 or Texas Method. Just need something I can do 3 days a week that is simple to grasp the concept/progression of, and where percentages of 1RM/training max are used.

Or am I just not patient enough and have attempted a new 1RM too soon?

The last program I tried before 5/3/1 was Smolov Jr and helped me jump from 44kg to the 47.5kg I mentioned. But I probably won’t ever do Smolov Jr again as it is fucking brutal 🤣😅

Thanks guys!
I decided to skip the deload for weeks 4 and 8, and just go straight into adding 2.5kg progression.

Rest is important because this sort of program is going to build up some residual fatigue that you need to clear before going after the PR.

Did I read it right that this is 4 sessions of Pull-Ups per week?
@jermyn After the pull-ups I do some calf raises/squats and weighted dips too. Technically 3 times a week but the program has 4 workouts a week so I do the same workout Tues/Thurs/Sun, then following Tues again.
@am0516 This is just my opinion because I follow a very different program, but I just worked through a deadlock at 7x+90lbs at 160lbs bw. Currently got up to 8x+100. I don't generally try for 1rm though, so I can't comment on that

Two thoughts: first, don't neglect deload and rest. I was plateaued for a long time and deloading to bodyweight for a month helped me break it. I didn't have a choice because I had an injury but it was eye opening.

Second, you don't have a lot of reps with higher weights. You might want to try doing more reps weighted rather than filling the gap with 30 reps basically unweighted.