Are weighted pull ups even worth it?

@vinod367 If you can't do 8 clean reps chest to bar, no.

I'd wager 99% of lifters can't with good form because we live in a society that forces us into terrible posture. Shitty office chairs shitty desks and heights shitty car seats shitty sofas and couches that pamper our body to be in a shitty slouched/forward roll position.

If you can't lift your arms straight up with biceps next to your ears without flaring your rib cage you lack the proper mobility to do pull ups and a whole world of pain will await you over time. Especially neck issues and elbow tendinitis.

Work pronated lat pull downs on a cable focusing on a similar chest to bar (or bar to chest in this case) pattern until you can get close to your body weight, ensure you have the shoulder and scapula mobility, then progress on pullups.

Those shitty non chest to bar partial reps you see people perform are really just hammering the teres minor super hard and have no mid trap/rhomboid engagement.
@vinod367 If you’re able to add weight and do pull ups where you’re still touching your chest to the bar then they are worth it. It wouldn’t be different than adding more weight to a pull down machine. The problem is most people don’t do pull ups correctly to begin with then add weight to it.

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