Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down


New member
Hi guys,

I bought the programme a couple of weeks into our lockdown here in the UK as i was looking to have some sort of structured training programme outside of the gym.

I paid the $60 odd for the programme after having seen several videos on YouTube and enjoying them (I still enjoy them and think they are the best bit).

The programme is VERY basic and VERY generic. The whole members area feels neglected and it feels like his site was thrown together as quickly as possible, every page still has the default "Lorem Ipsum..." web text on it.

The walkthrough of each programme is clumsy and not well laid out in a way that you could read it and follow the video tutorials easily. And the video tutorials are just snapshots from YouTube anyway.

The programme feels quite unrealistic in some ways. As you move on to intermediate you are still doing the basic movements (think push ups, pull ups, dips), but then sometimes it will have as a bonus "do as many muscle ups as possible". If you're someone who is trying to do 3 sets of 6-12 rep pull ups i don't think you'll be able to do even 1 muscle up.

The site says get in touch if you want to give feedback or complain, but you realise there is no actual contact us link on the site, you have to google it to find it, and i received no response anway.

Just my 2 cents. I'd hang on to your money and follow someone like FitnessFAQs who has a free and equally good if not better (constructed with more thought) programme.
@dlr There's so many realy good programs available for free, I still don't understand why would anyone pay for a program. There's not a secret formula, you're not going to find something in a paid program that you can't find in a free one.
@thaylon I could understand someone finding incentive to work out if they payed for a program. I know of people who pay for a gym membership for that reason. Whatever makes it work, right? Better than not doing anything at all.

I was looking for a program about two years ago and found some payed options I was interested in. Looking for reviews I found this sub, I haven't looked back since.
@thaylon This exactly I don't get how in this day in age people pay money for a fitness program with youtube and Google you can find absolutely any fitness program bodybuilding gymnastics cycling etc.. and nutritional information

It all comes down to trial error and self discipline
It all comes down to trial error and self discipline

I guess because people assume that paid will mean there is no trial and error, and it may encourage self discipline (either because you have paid for it or because the program comes with support).

That said, I agree with you and think people need to understand that fitness is literally a lifelong activity and what works for you, what interests you, will change over time. Jumping into a program because 'it works from day 1' is great; but you have 50+ years to figure out what works best for you, a few days or weeks here or there is irrelevant (note - assumes you have some basic understanding to start with, like from the free stuff all over the place)
@divinejourney I'm doing Athlean X Xero, mostly because I need structure and it didn't require any equipment (given quarantine). I'm in week 5 of 6 and it is fantastic. Very easy to follow and well thought out. It's about $60 USD. Already seeing good results (goal is to gain muscle and weight). I also feel more explosive which is nice for athletics.
@jblavenderrose44 I wouldn't say any specific area but rather overall. Arms are bigger, abs are stronger (definition is mostly based off diet and I'm trying to gain), pecs are definitely bigger and same with legs. These are all on 5 weeks and it's not like I'm a bodybuilder now but I definitely see the progress. I am also more explosive and muscle endurance is better.

The workouts are 5 per week and follow the same scheme. Strength, HIT, Rest, HIT, Strength, Challenge. Each week they vary and make sure you're progressively overloading. Challenges are fun but tough as hell.

The ab shuffle it comes with is great and have already noticed the benefits.