Barbell Spin predicts Mal O’Brien to go Hyrox

@aaronmark Plus the standardization and ability to compete in it in so many cities is appealing. Kind of like doing marathons/half-marathons in different cities.
@patrick1234 I’ve been doing CrossFit for a year and the idea of training for a Hyrox event is appealing. I look at Hyrox like doing a 10k running race, with some strong man/ CrossFit elements mixed in. I don’t know what the equivalent for CrossFit is for me as a regular person, except for the Open. I could do local comps but I’m just not interested in pushing at that level. The learning curve to get to Rx is huge. I still love CrossFit, but as my regular “gym experience”.
@heavenstudent Funnily enough I’m doing my first hyrox event in April and am looking at it in a similar way. The movements I’ll sail through with my regular CrossFit training.. it’s the 8k of running in between that’s gonna hurt.
@heavenstudent This is exactly it, training for a Hyrox once or twice a year will benefit any CrossFitter who wants a more solid aerobic base. They are entirely complimentary of each other.
@ektar74 There was the boom of Spartans and tough mudders like a decade ago; run for a while, do a thing, run for a while, do a thing. Hyrox seems pretty boring.
@abr1234 Those Spartans and Tough Mudders are still going on though, they haven’t gone away. Plus, the CEO of Spartan is kind of an asshole and doesn’t like paying the athletes, which probably effects the growth. Hyrox is already more global than both of those sports, though.
@dannyabc Hunter is the OCR fella right? OCR gave him a decent leg up on the average athlete and he has proven himself to be a great athlete in general, but didn't he get smoked at the games he was invited to?
@chapelmusicworship This is lost on a ton of posters in this sub.

Relative to CF guys he’s a specialist. Dramatically better cardio but much weaker and without the sport specific CF skills. In a normal games year where every athlete gets to do nearly every event he’d win any sort of run/ bike event outright, and crush events like Murph or the capitol.

I think if he got a chance to do a full set of programming he’d end up in the middle 50% of the pack. Impressive as hell.
@garyholden Horrible take. Yes he would smoke every cf athlete on events where only endurance matters, since every cf athlete has to carry at least 35-45 lbs more muscle than him to be even remotely competitive in weightlifting. If he gained the weight for lifting his cardio would again suffer massively.

In addition i think you massively underestimate how taxing the pig & the carries in the capitol are, and im pretty certain he wouldnt win it.
@ania I think the pig portion would be tougher for him but weighted carries are his jam. I’m not saying he’d win the capitol outright, but I’d expect him to do well in it.
@ania Actually wild but I saw Hunter post a story yesterday with his weight, fluctuating between 205 & 215, so pretty on par with the averages for top CF males.