Body transformation 4 years

@drewz For me I’m looking to lose, then maintain. I’m coming off some bad nutrition and weight lifting advice that left me tired and injured.

“Once you learn how to eat and how all of that works you can eat what you want” can you expand on that?
@the_d00d Of course, learning calories in calories out, finding the strategies and tricks that work you for, and applying them through tests you conduct on yourself are how I learned to cut and gain weight.

Stratifies such as
Chewing gum
Snacks throughout the day
Energy drinks

You have to find what works for you, obviously theirs a million other strategies to cut weight in your case that you could employ these are just some off the top of my head
@drewz Thanks. I was curious how balanced you make your meals, in terms of macros. I have a friend who says every meal should be balanced throughout the day, I know other people who say it doesn’t matter at all. Curious what you’ve learned.

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