Body weight DOES translate to lifting gains

@adriennelisa Yes and many people here are beginners, a lot of the posts here are people trying to make it to 20 pull ups or increase their push up game past 15 reps. People like you acting like holier than thou elitists just push beginners away. 300 push ups is objectively a lot and trying to dismiss that achievement makes you a jerk.
@arteytheatheist Good advice, I’ve many injured joints from this kind of training in my twenties. You could consider single limb work (OAPushUp, OAPullUp, Pistol Squat). This will yield bigger strength gains in these movements with less joint wear and tear. You may find you are capable of higher reps (endurance) in your current movements, as more strength means you are using a smaller % of your max strength. Good luck with your goal OP…Sam✌️
@rightway16 It's obvious to me because I struggle way more with minimal bodyweight stuff as opposed to more difficult lifts.

Calisthenics is way more intimidating to me
@dawn16 100% agree. My buddy joined me the other day and did 1 set of 100 squats. Then he did his own thing in another part of the gym.

10 mins pass and I get a text in our friend group chat “if you want to puke at 7 in the morning do a workout with Jaymz”
@rightway16 I was in quarantine recently. Had to Do heavy squats. Cant Do them at home, so I did 3x100 (65sec Pause between Sets) instead, then 4 mins (30sec on, 20 sec Pause) alternating jump lunges.

All together I was finished in around 10 - 15 Minutes.

Result: 3 days full of Doms. Was quite interesting how Quick I Can f up myself for days.

Too Bad I cant Do 3x100 pushups.
@rightway16 The point is, are you really going to the gym to do pushups and air squats? 🤔

That being said, I also experienced a symilar thing three days ago.

I'm doing YAYOG though, very different from your routine. Mine is mostly few reps and a lot of pain nevertheless.
@elachavez84 Yeah there’s an accountability factor to going to the gym. The act of getting ready and driving there makes it easier to do when I’m there. Same as me preferring to not work from home.

I live in a tiny house tho it’s 240sq ft so it’s tight at home anyway
@rightway16 Accountability is huge. Pre pandemic I would work out 6 days a week. During pandemic I thought nbgd, I’ll just transition to body weight but if I’m alone in my apartment my motivation dies. Lost like a 1/3 of my strength over the last two years. Went back to the gym recently and it’s just been a game changer. Same exercise but being in the environment, something about it just forces me to push myself.
@enoch_the_7th Same. Just can't push myself at home the same way I do at the gym. I only do the minimum stuff required at home, but at the gym, with the high ceilings, the bright lights, other people around, you just go all out to make it count.
@carose It's fascinating how individual this is.

I really prefer to work out on my very own, and whenever I go to a public park to exercise, I almost prefer when nobody's there.

No loss of time chatting with others if they cheer me, no ugly music from their boomboxes.
@elachavez84 You got a point with the boom boxes and having to listen to other people's awful music, or getting distracted when chatting to others. Working out at a park is also definitely more productive than working out in my room though (again - open space, high "ceiling" ). I guess any change of scenery results in a more productive workout.
@rightway16 How in the world do you not get tendonitis or some strain?! I do 50/day of each and my knees and elbows start to ache like crazy, but it eventually goes away after a few days of not training. Do you follow any regiment to strengthen tendons?