Breaking - Roman is injured (confirmed)

@kimberlykay It surely can’t be HQ’s fault if you, to mention only a few, don’t let other competitors pass you on the bike route and end up crashing, miss your lift or don’t move the bags as some did and end up landing sloppily.
@lisa1971 While this sucks, complaining about no one moving the bags is a little much. Athletes are responsible for their equipment. He choose where to toss the bags over and where to jump over. Nothing was hindering their vision as to where the bags were on the other side. I feel horrible for the guy but this was just a freak occurrence. No one’s fault.
@dj2011 I agree. I see it the same as someone tripping over their bar in one of the speed squat/snatch ladder events -- it sucks if you trip over the barbell, but you're responsible for your own equipment and you have to get the bar settled enough before you go over it, or you risk tripping. It's also fairly extreme for him to break his foot landing awkwardly like that -- watching the replay, I would have guessed maybe a sprained ankle versus a broken foot.
@lisa1971 if im reading the leaderboard after event 11 right...

roman is in second at 801 points.Pat and Brent are within 14 and 60 points of him respectively. so assuming roman takes a 20th (0 points) in 12...And pat and brent are both top 8 in that event... Roman can finish no worse than 4th...
Comments are saying Roman is OK to compete - I"m just passing on what I'm hearing via the Barbell Spin channel
@jeanmichel I love Roman and am cheering hard for him, but why would they have a staff member move bags. It’s an outside element that could potentially interdict with the event. Athletes could choose how and where they out there bags and could move them if the felt unsafe. It’s a fully controllable element.