Building an Outdoor Gym: Under $800 and 48 sqft, for all your BWF needs! (If you have access to a backyard space.)

@michaeljaywilcox I have 3 kids under 4, the 2 boys love playing on it and as long as it's not set up smack dab in the middle of a high traffic area they know and won't be running into it.
@edegra I don't do anything to maintain, I figure its $70 each, when its time to replace I will replace. I'm genuinely impressed that the powder coating of the bars have lasted 5 yrs now, I could see another few years out of it.
@amotz Awesome, that’s great to hear! How did you go about choosing the heights for the 4 sections? Any reason you didn’t do another bar for the rings beam?
@edegra Heights all based on what "felt" right. I have rings set up in my office (see my profile), so didn't have a need for another bar for rings.
@amotz Sweet office setup! Great to be able to do that indoors, unfortunately we don't have the ceiling height. Appreciate all the tips, thanks!