Building muscle endurance into 5 by 5 workout?


New member
Unsure how to word this out, but here goes.

I do a 5 by 5 workout routine. fits in well with the time i have and i do see results. However recently im starting to notice that when doing things like holding my arms up with something in it or similar things, my arms gets tired more easily. My running feels slow and short too.

While I like the strength i get from the 5 by 5 in my lifts. Im concerned (may be an exaggeration) is that im just bulking up and making myself slower and useless.

Im looking to find a balance between strength lifting heavy and having the ability to move around for decent period without getting completely gassed. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

If it helps to answer: i dont take muscle gain/preworkout/protein shakes/supplements stuff and im in my 40s, male.
  1. Don't have anything before a workout besides water. I'm up at 5am and head to gym. I have breakfast after usually oats with honey and coffee.
  2. Don't count my calories really. Just watch what I eat. 3 meals a day, no late night snacks One fast food meal a week , usually burger and chips. Not a fan of soda so it's usually with coffee or green tea.
  3. My weight is 76kg height 170cm
@zanick Try swapping the oats honey and coffee beforehand, at least 30 to 60 minutes before you hit the gym. Think of your body like a car. If you don't get the fuel you need, you'll stall.
@kamienzen been a few years now. If i think on it, around 4 years now. been off and on.

My weight increase for workouts:
  1. Barbell squat: naked bar (20kg) to 120Kg (100kg in weights + 20kg bar)
  2. Bench press: naked bar (20kg) to 60kg (weight +bar) - this has been the slowest growth for me. Personally think its a mental block + solo gym = high risk on heavy weights
  3. Dead lift: 40kg (weight + bar) to 100kg (weight + bar)
  4. Rows: naked bar to 80kg (weight + bar)
  5. barbell curls: 5kg solid barbell to 30kg barbell
  6. overhead press: 10kg barbell to 40kg barbell