Cant gym because of irregular schedule?


New member
So if youre trying to hit the gym but life is kicking your butt because you have an irregular schedule u might like this post.

This is how I would deal with irregular schedules

1- change your workout split to an A B split meaning only 2 workouts

2- each of these days have 1 main movement

3- choose two secondary exercises

4- choose some tertiary exercises

5- make two blocks in your schedule one for strength one more focused on size

6- for strength do 1 top set of 5 reps at RPE 8-9 then drop the weight by 10-15 % then do an all out set

7 -for size do 2 sets of 8-12 reps all out

I made a small handwritten pdf if anyone wants it and I made it into something that looks like an actual schedule

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