Shoutout to the confident gym girls!

@brothergee What you don't realise is that when new people walk in and are obviously quite uncomfortable, the majority of people around them are rooting for them. I've spoken to fellow gym goers about this. I see someone come in with that look on their face, I give them a grin and a nod, and I'm thinking 'welcome to the journey!' with respect, because it IS unnerving, and frightening, and so many people don't have the drive or the guts to do it and every single person that does has my respect, no matter what size, shape, gender or age they are.
Just the other week I had a guy come up to me and tap me on the shoulder and ask me quietly if I could show him how to use a piece of equipment and it hit me that I was one of the people who clearly know what I'm doing, now, and that took me by surprise, because its not like you wake up one day and just KNOW that overnight you've gone from nervous to confident. But it happened, and I love that I've gone from trying to subtly watch others to learn how to do things, to the person that someone else can ask for help. And it'll happen for you, too.
@brothergee The gym sure is intimidating. At least you are doing group classes, go you!! One day you'll be there too. What helped me too was getting a personal trainer.

And I'm not going to lie, everytime I fall off the wagon and take a hiatus, it takes a few gym sessions for me to be back at my highest level of confidence. But we all start somewhere, we all have our journey, and at the end of the day, we're at the gym for ourselves and our body, mind, and soul. So let's get it!
@brothergee I've been going to the gym for 6-7 years and it's all learning how to do the moves and use equipment and then you'll be good as gold. Just keep going and pushing yourself to be better than last time. You will absolutely get there!
@brothergee Confidence is a great “fake it ‘til you make it” exercise. The first thing you need to ask yourself is, from the outside, what does confidence look like? Then you psych yourself up just enough to play act that behavior. Eventually you find that you do it without thinking. Then suddenly you can’t decide if you’re actually confident or just really good at faking it. But at that point what’s the difference?

Basically it’s what you learn in Executive Presence Training. :)
@brothergee I hear this! I love weight training but the free weight room has always terrified me. It’s encouraging to see other ladies just killing it in there solo and I’m finally starting to be less anxious about working out in there alone.
@brothergee :-D Thank you for saying that! After reading that, I just realized that at the new gym that I switched do about a month ago I have never seen another woman training at. Huh. Maybe one day I'll run into another woman there and then we can become friends!
@brothergee The more you go, the more it's just a normal place you hang out in. Like on the first day of classes, it's a new room with strange people but after a few weeks, you're totally used to it. Getting used to going to the gym is pretty much like that. After a while, you don't even think about feeling shy, it's just something you do.
@brothergee I see you at the gym(not literally)! I’m the girl that’s been doing it for a few years, so when I see folks who look self conscious or are just learning all I think is ‘GET IT GIRL’
@brothergee You'll get there one day soon! Just keep going! I'm not the fittest woman or hottest, but I go to the gym every day with the mindset that I look great and I'm strong. I use to envy the girls who go to the gym in sports bras and looked really cute. I kept waiting until I had the body to dress up like that but instead of waiting, I just started dressing up how I wanted. Even though I don't have a flat stomach, I go to to gym with a sports bra and my belly showing all the time.
@brothergee Aw man, the first time I did hip thrusts with a dumbbell I was so nervous. What if all the dudes are watching me? What if people are judging me? What if someone reports me as being inappropriate because they don't realize it's an actual exercise?

And then I did it and... no one cared. And even if they did, I didn't notice because I was in my zone.

And now that's kind of how I go into the weights area. If someone is watching, who cares?
@brothergee I’m the same. I have always wanted to be strong but feel so intimidated going to a gym that I’ve put it off for years. But tomorrow I have an appointment to view a gym nearby my office and I hope I won’t chicken out at the last minute.