Bit of a rant, but what are coaches' fascination with burpees? If it's not burpee box jumps, it's burpees over the bar or some variation of.. surely there are other movements that can be programmed, or is it just 'ease of programming' and a hint of the mundane?
Yes it's a good 'functional movement' for some, others not so much, plus I don't pay a pretty penny to do a movement in the box that I can do in my bedroom / hotel room.
OK, rant over...
Monday 11 Feb, 3 x 10 Min AMRAP, first one 2/4/6/8 etc. Burpees over bar + Thrusters
Wednesday 13 Feb, Partner WOD AMRAP 50mins that includes 80 x Burpee box jumps
THERE ARE OTHER MOVEMENTS!! (Ok more rant over...)
Yes it's a good 'functional movement' for some, others not so much, plus I don't pay a pretty penny to do a movement in the box that I can do in my bedroom / hotel room.
OK, rant over...
Monday 11 Feb, 3 x 10 Min AMRAP, first one 2/4/6/8 etc. Burpees over bar + Thrusters
Wednesday 13 Feb, Partner WOD AMRAP 50mins that includes 80 x Burpee box jumps
THERE ARE OTHER MOVEMENTS!! (Ok more rant over...)