Coaches.. there are other movements than burpees.. #justsaying


New member
Bit of a rant, but what are coaches' fascination with burpees? If it's not burpee box jumps, it's burpees over the bar or some variation of.. surely there are other movements that can be programmed, or is it just 'ease of programming' and a hint of the mundane?

Yes it's a good 'functional movement' for some, others not so much, plus I don't pay a pretty penny to do a movement in the box that I can do in my bedroom / hotel room.

OK, rant over...


Monday 11 Feb, 3 x 10 Min AMRAP, first one 2/4/6/8 etc. Burpees over bar + Thrusters

Wednesday 13 Feb, Partner WOD AMRAP 50mins that includes 80 x Burpee box jumps

THERE ARE OTHER MOVEMENTS!! (Ok more rant over...)
@thanhlam If you were at my gym and absolutely hated burpees, I wouldn't make you do them; I would give you a different movement, like up-downs, push-ups, mountain climbers, plank holds, or anything else that fits the stimulus of the workout, and burpee.

Either way, burpees suck until you learn to improve your core strength, cardiovascular endurance, and pressing strength.
@thanhlam While every programming I’ve done has had burpees at some point, it wasn’t that often where I’d need to make a post like this. I don’t think I’ve had them in the last few weeks. Are you really doing them that much? It’s a good move, but you’re making it sound like they’re programming them way too often.
@thanhlam Daily burpees is just crappy programming. It’s a good move like I said, but sounds like you’re doing them more than you should. I’d direct this to your coach rather than CrossFit in general because this has not been my experience at all in any of my gyms or online programs.
@thanhlam I would say the same thing but substitute handstand pushups. There is a rack and a barbell right there… why are we not just doing strict presses? Why do we need to be upside down bonking our heads on the floor? Silliness.

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