Coaches.. there are other movements than burpees.. #justsaying

@thanhlam Burpies are life. I’m not saying I enjoy them, but you fall down and get back up. You fall down again, and then you get back up. I also played rugby, and rugby is get knocked down, get back up.
@sue4jesus It sounds like OP’s programming sucks though. It’s a good movement, but they should not be doing them daily. I don’t think he’s complaining about their existence in general.
@reflectj Pressing doesn’t tax the CNS very much so you can press a lot without being just beat down. Where as squats, deadlifts, pull ups tend to be a little more taxing. Harder to do those multiple times a week.
@thanhlam The longer you do CrossFit the more you realize a pattern.

If ive said it before ive said it 1000x. There is no rhyme or reason to CrossFit programming. Movements don’t pair together. Most people expend 100% of energy on a WOD.

Recycling variations of burpees/pullups/etc. is easy
@thanhlam I would say twice a week is pretty standard. Three times a week is probably fine too. Beyond that, sure, it may be overkill.

Burpees are great because they are low skill, but high return. Great for metabolic conditioning, and scaling a burpee for the 75 year old grandma in the class versus the 25 year old almost semifinal athlete in the class still get very similar stimulus (opposed to say, a squat snatch, where some people will power snatch, some people have awful mobility, half the class has terrible technique, most have the wrong stimulus from going to heavy or too light, etc). Burpees generally allow the coach to put more focus into coaching the other movements in the workout