Creatine timing?


New member
I started creatine about a month ago and I'm wondering if there's any concrete proof to the timing of taking it? I've been having it in the morning because that's the most convenient for me (post breakfast) and I don't wanna bring the tub with me in my car (I work outside and bring all my food with me). I workout after work around 4:30 p.m. should I instead be having it around 4 when I finish work? Or after the gym when I get home around 6?
@felicitypenny Doesn't matter. It's about having enough in your system. You get that by taking it consistently. timing makes no difference, just take it when it's convenient for you. You don't need to take it in the car.
@felicitypenny There is no indication it matters when you take it. Creatine doesn’t have any immediate effect on performance, it’s a cumulative effect from taking it over time.
@felicitypenny Some research finds it's best right after the exercise (replenishes the stores). Some evidence found it's best just before or just after. The difference is small tho. If taking it in the morning keeps you consistent, that's FAR better than being inconsistent but taking it at the optimal timing.

It's like lifting. Way better to be consistent and regular than it is to have the optimal workout but be inconsistent at it.
@felicitypenny I just take it every morning (5 grams), no matter if I train that day or not. I think consistency with creatine is the key, rather than timing, so just find the time that works best for you, and you'll be good.