@godwrestler The trainers explaining nothing is not good enough. Every class should include a breakdown of all movements for the day, and all scaling options (without any hints of pity or annoyance).
As for people being standoffish, this is a gym by gym and class by class thing. I'm sure there are people like that out there, but there are also plenty of warm, wonderful and welcoming people around. But you play a role in this too. I would describe our gym as extremely friendly, but there area few people who show up right on time, barely say a word to anyone other than the coach and then leave immediately, and after months, the most I know about them is their name. Hopefully this is by choice on their part, and they aren't at home thinking we are all rude and unwelcoming.
There's always plenty of opportunities to break the ice during a class - compliment someone on a lift, cheer them on for a PR attempt, give them a fistbump at the end of a wod for example.