CrossFit culture…

@godwrestler I would find a new box. Why keep paying money to a place that makes you feel unwelcome? My gym is not like this at all. Everyone is very friendly and welcoming.
@godwrestler The trainers explaining nothing is not good enough. Every class should include a breakdown of all movements for the day, and all scaling options (without any hints of pity or annoyance).

As for people being standoffish, this is a gym by gym and class by class thing. I'm sure there are people like that out there, but there are also plenty of warm, wonderful and welcoming people around. But you play a role in this too. I would describe our gym as extremely friendly, but there area few people who show up right on time, barely say a word to anyone other than the coach and then leave immediately, and after months, the most I know about them is their name. Hopefully this is by choice on their part, and they aren't at home thinking we are all rude and unwelcoming.

There's always plenty of opportunities to break the ice during a class - compliment someone on a lift, cheer them on for a PR attempt, give them a fistbump at the end of a wod for example.
@godwrestler Definitely varies gym to gym. Mine is very welcoming and everyone is friendly and engages - some more than others, but the friendliness I'd there on different levels. We also have a jam session before the workout where the workout is explained, and before doing the WOD coach goes around and personalizes the workout for everyone, be it what weights your doing or modifying movements.
@godwrestler Different gyms have different cultures. I’m almost 50 and Rx most everything and I’m usually just inside the top 1/3 for my age in the open. But when I go to a box close to a big college it’s like I’m an invisible slug. It’s kinda sad 😞 and I want to cry.
@godwrestler This is something I’ve noticed from time to time, more so whenever we would have visitors drop in to our local box. some peoples attitude were very snobby, high-horse, entitled.
@godwrestler Some CF gyms have this vibe, but it’s not universal. Even if the gym is super competitive, people being standoffish isn’t a good CF gym IMO. Your hour at the gym should be the best hour of your day.
@godwrestler I think it’s just the gym you’re going to. I’ve been to several and some people are super open and friendly and accepting and others are super cliquey and made me feel really out of place

Maybe try out a couple more gyms before you decide :)

Don’t pay a ton of money every month if you feel uncomfortable
@godwrestler That sounds like an awful box. I hope you have a couple more options in your area. Coaches at my gym are really good at giving direction and the membership is warm and everyone is looking for a new friend. I’m sorry you are having a rough go of it.
@godwrestler that's infuriating! do not stand for a coach or gym that....

scales your pushups to knees instead of having you put your hands on a bench or box to reduce the weight while retaining the body position and core strengthening power of a planked pushup!

but also, CrossFit is inclusive and you should feel welcome and comfortable.
@godwrestler We all know how expensive CrossFit is and I go to a relatively busy gym so I try not to socialize too much during the class window of time as I know time is money and coaches need to be efficient. But before and after I try to make small talk about the previous days workout, football games from the weekend, new restaurants in town etc I’ve been doing CrossFit for almost 10 years but just moved to a new town and only about 2 months in to the new gym. I could see how some people might come across as stand off ish but don’t take it personal. They probably just want to focus in on the workout vs socializing.
@godwrestler I'm sad to hear this is your experience - please look for a different CF gym in your area. Coaches should be helping you modify/scale and encourage you at ALL levels.
  1. I’m sorry you feel that this way and I hope it gets better for you.
  2. Maybe you should try talking to the coach / owner manager after class about your concerns before hitting a new class or affiliate all together.
  3. Keep in mind that your “feelings” are at least a small part of the issue. If you feel intimidate or devalued then you are going to perceive things in a different light.
For example. Is it possible that your push-ups were getting slow and the “young kid” wanted you keep moving to hit the intended stimulus? I’m not saying that’s the case but your perception might be biasing things here. Just something I wanted to throw into the conversation.
@godwrestler first time I did crossfit the thing I noticed more than anything (aside from how freakin tired I was) was the support I got even though I was finishing dead last.

The culture in a gym starts from the top. Find yourself a new one, maybe even just ask to watch a class b/c you want to see what the culture is like.