CrossFit culture…

@godwrestler I'm sorry the gym you're at is like that. My gym is super welcoming and have people of all levels. I'm a coach there and always make sure to introduce myself to new people as well as take extra time to explain movements to them, help them find proper scales for movements before the workout in case of injury, mobility issues, etc. We all love to joke around with each other but get a good workout in together.
@godwrestler I own a gym, not a CrossFit gym, but CrossFit is my background, and I would be so sad if someone had this experience in my gym, and I'd want to know about it. Even without the modification recommendations, just the vibe that the fitter people are unapproachable, or intimidating in any way, I would do something about it immediately. Not every gym is like this, and don't let this be your only experience as a newer athlete. There are amazing CrossFit gyms out there with the community and culture to match, and is actually generally the majority of them, so I am sorry you got unlucky here 😩
@godwrestler 240 lbs at 66 yes old, I am not the norm for crossfit. I joined a couple of months ago for cardio and flexibility and hopefully for some weight loss.Everyone has been great. They always give me alternate exercises for the things I can't do yet. They also help me work on form. Their support motivates me to keep coming back.
I'm sorry your having a negative experience.
@godwrestler Try somewhere else.
I've never seen that culture - and I visit different boxes when I travel.

CrossFit is too expensive to put up with that kind of behaviour
@godwrestler I've been a member of 5 different gyms in 12yrs, and dropped in to a few dozen others. In my experience, it all comes down from the owners/lead coaches. The best gym communities I've been a part of had coaches who were very friendly, and wanted to hang out with everyone in and out of the gym.

The less fun communities had owners who were laser-focused on competition, were stand-offish, and all the things you sound like you're experiencing.

If you have the luxury, shop around a bit. You may find one that's the antithesis of the one you're at. Sometimes if there's a few options, a particular crowd will gravitate toward one, and another crowd to another.
@godwrestler Like everyone said, every gym is different. You might be in a place similar to my old gym where competitive athletes didn't really intermingle with the class. It's definitely possible to break through, but the likely reason they are stand offish is probably because they're stressed about the workload they need to get through before leaving the gym.

As for the cocky kid, if he is the coach, I would listen to him. If he's not the coach, I would refer to your coach for scaling movements.

Lastly, I've been a victim of this myself, but sometimes you manufacture the mood people are in because of factors in your life like sleep, nutrition, and other stressors. These people might not be malicious or cocky, and it could just be the way your day is.

Either way, if you're not being treated well day after day and you feel like people are being condescending to you, I would 100% consider finding a different box. No reason staying somewhere that is toxic to your mentality.
@godwrestler I absolutely adore this gym I go to in Copenhagen!

99% of people are really friendly. Typically, I’m horrible at making the first move to talk to people but even then I have people chatting with me all the time which I super appreciate.

Most of the time the workouts are very easy to follow even when they are sometimes done in Danish which I don’t yet speak (just started class). However, if I ever do need some explanation everyone has been very helpful.

I really love the energy bouncing off each other when working out, we cheer each others on all the time and trainers giving good advice and encouragement.

It’s been 2 months in since I started, I’ve been going 5/6 time a week and I have quit smoking. Diet has been on point. I look so much better physically, I feel great and I genuinely look forward to my workouts most days and wonder where I can get to if I keep at it for the entire year…!

I would unreservedly recommend this place if anyone is in Amager.
@abbymae Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the comments and I realized that I was just being insecure. You are all right: these people are really into their workouts. I’ve come to find out that as I get stronger, everyone is pulling for me. I’ve graduated from PVC pipe and I can strict press 130. (Not sure if I’m saying that right).