CrossFit games 22 leader board predictions!!


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As the title suggests, who you got for top 5/top 3 picks for individuals? Both M & F!

Excluding Tia (obviously) I think we are looking at a fairly competitive year. Unless Medeiros comes out looking like a beast, I don't think he is quite there yet...

Woman's side
1. Tia-Clair toomey (no contest)
2. Danielle Brandon
3. Mal O'brien
4. Emma Lawson
5. Haley Adams

Runner ups
Emily rolfe (2-5)
Kristi Eramo O’Connell (3-5)
Amanda Barnhart (2-5)
Laura Horvath (2-5)
Thuri Helgadottir (4-5)
Kara Saunders (2-5) skeptical but could definitely pull off a podium spot. Not enough engine compared to some of these other girls though.

Men's side
1. Justin Medeiros (if I had to put money on it)
2. Pat Velner (could be his year if he has a clean run)
3. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson
4. Brent Fikowski (I have my concerns)
5. Jeff Adler (I see potential for 3rd)

Runner ups
Saxon panchik (4 or 5)
Ohlsen (4 or 5)
Gerrard (3-5)
Malheiros (3-5) could be a big year for him

This is going to be a big year, very excited to see what happens. Let me know your thoughts!!
@weloki I think the top 5 women are -
  1. Toomey
  2. Horvath
  3. Migala
  4. O'Brien
  5. Adams
It's real transitional year on the women's side. Holte and Pearce have retired, Annie has gone team, no Sara, Katrin or Jamie Simmonds and there are question marks over Kara Saunders and Brooke Wells.

All those athletes at their best are locks for the top 10 so them not being there really opens the competition up for the likes of Barnhart or Brandon to achieve there best ever result.

For the men I'll go -
  1. Madeiros
  2. Vellner
  3. Fikowski
  4. Khrennikov
  5. BKG
Completely the opposite to the women the return of Garrard and Khrennikov being able to make it really tightens up the mens field.
@skelendke Another one for Migala. Why did you place her #3?

Totally forgot about khrennikov, he's tough to place as he's not had the opportunity to showcase himself. Definitely potential there's, but can he hold on?
@weloki Migala finished 6th last year with two of the athletes above her not returning. She is extremely good at traditional CrossFit workouts and will also score well in strength events. She's also still only 23 and there is no reason to think she won't keep getting better.
@weloki The Laura Horvath Fan Club won't be happy. They've been insisting for a while that she will stomp on little Mal with ease and possibly, if the stars align, make a run at Tia.

But, I haven't been watching her this year and she does have a history of erratic performances.
@betzaidak No body is touching Tia IMO, unless you stack the competition events against Tia and even then she has almost no weakness. There are just some athletes who can outperform her in certain areas. Laura definitely has potential and wouldn't be surprised if she got a podium position. She's a strong performer but can't have any slip ups (similar to Velner). O'Brien is going to be a hit or miss this year. Personally I think she's going to shock everyone. She got 7th her rookie year and she's made leaps and bounds in her performance this year.
@weloki Yet more disrespect for horvath! Criminal to leave her out of a top 5.

I got

1. Justin
2. Pat
3. Brent
4. Saxon
5. Adler

1. Tia
2. Horvath
3. Mal
4. Migala
5. Kara
@weloki Laura dropped off in 2019 and 2020 but given what she has done in the last year she absolutely has to be number one contender to Tia. Second by a mile at the 2021 games, third at rogue behind Tia and Annie (who is not in the women’s field now), then won her semi final convincingly. You can’t say somebody like mal is more consistent than her when she only has one seventh place finish and semifinal win.

I’m gonna be completely based here and say Laura getting overlooked is actually purely because she is not as marketable as other athletes. If she was American, more flashy and stereotypically attractive (no offence intended to her), I guarantee the narrative around this games would be almost solely focussed on if she can beat Tia. Laura deserves so much more.

And unfortunately, Tia is untouchable to an inhuman degree. She is brutally well rounded and even if they tried to programme her out of a sixth title, it still wouldn’t be close.
@solascriptura116 I don't think she's quite there compared to the rest of the field. 3 overall in her semifinal and wasn't a close finish either... What makes you say she's in the running for top 5?
@weloki Look at where Migala finished at the games last year compared to the rest of your top 5. Migala was only 8 points our from 2nd place in her semi which had one of the deepest women's fields. Meanwhile, Brandon took 1st in her semi by only 20 points in a pretty weak field.
@weloki Fewer Americans in the top 5, I’m thinking Horvath and Dahlstrom over Adams and Brandon. But I can see the argument for Migala instead of Dahlstrom. No real issues on the mens side, although I think Georges will surprise people