CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread


New member

Workouts are out! Now it's time for some of those out there to go and try to qualify for the semis, or to just see how they stack up.

Post predictions, scores, talk about strategy, ask questions, or whatever else you need!

A reminder to be careful with any links you might see, these events always bring out a bunch of spammers

If there are leaks please refrain from posting them here and take them to more private channels

Update for the challenge will be coming. I'm sick so my brain is working at like 50% capacity so it's slow sledding

CrossFit Games Leaderboard

Workouts and Standards

Score for workouts 1 & 2 due Mar 17 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC

Score for workouts 3 & 4 score due Mar 18 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC

Score for workout 5 due Mar 19 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC

QF Event 1

Scorecard & Standards

Score due Mar 17 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC

For time:

9 front squats (225/155lbs)(102/70kg)

9 handstand walks (25ft/7.62m)

15 front squats (185/125lb)(83/56kg)

15 muscle-ups

21 front squats (135/95lbs)(61/43kg)

21 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups

Time cap: 15 minutes

QF Event 2

Scorecard & Standards

Score due Mar 17 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC


8 dumbbell snatches, arm 1 (70/50lbs)(32.5/22.5kg)

8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 1 (70/50lbs)(32.5/22.5kg)

8 dumbbell snatches, arm 2 (70/50lbs)(32.5/22.5kg)

8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 2 (70/50lbs)(32.5/22.5lg)

40 crossovers

QF Event 3

Scorecard & Standards

Score due Mar 18 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC

5 Rounds for time:

5 burpee box jump-overs (30/24in)

1/2/3/4/5 clean and jerk (275/185lbs)(125/83kg)

Start with one clean and jerk, and add one each round

QF Event 4

Scorecard & Standards

Score due Mar 18 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC


1,000-meter row

50 GHD sit-ups

500-meter row

25 V-ups

QF Event 5

Scorecard & Standards

Score due Mar 19 @ 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 7pm UTC

For time:

21 deadlifts (225/155lbs)(102/70kg)

21 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 deadlifts (275/185lbs)(125/83kg)

15 bar muscle-ups

9 deadlifts (315/205lbs)(143/93kg)

9 rope climbs, (15ft/4.57m)
@jonjones229 Gotta be honest, I don’t understand the hand-wringing over these workouts. As someone who did not make quarterfinals (85th percentile) - these workouts are all doable for me with no limiting movements. Skills and strength are just as much a part of CrossFit as a big engine (my limiting factor)
@primrosehill He is retiring as an individual. Said the decision was made prior to the result. He will release a video with more information, information on his future, and his coming projects in the coming week.

There's obviously more to the post than that, but I think that most directly answers your question
@jonjones229 Alright guys, last event of the weekend.

QF Event 5- 86 reps
Pretty proud of this since 315 is 90%+ of my 1RM. Hope everyone had a great weekend and learned a lot about themselves and their limitations for next year! Proud of you all!