Damn it....did it again. Bout to get back on the wagon with the DOMS that come with it


New member
WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. That's what I'll be screaming to myself while I hobble down the stairs with my jelly legs after squatting tomorrow am. You see, I've slacked off from the gym (for ~3 months) and now I'm about to get back to it. The only consolation is that I'll somewhat miss them (DOMS) when they leave?....no, no i wont, that was a lie.

Edit* oh! Oh! It's was only 2 months! Still gonna be wobbly like j-e-l-l-o

Edit-edit* update. Worked out. Felt awesone to get back at it. Excited to get my numbers back up. Got wobbly. I'll survive.
@kimosavy47 Remember, when the Doms disappears you'll begin to miss it and doubt the quality of your workout because asshole brain is like that. This is the feeling of being alive and using your muscles to their utmost ability, appreciate it.
@kimosavy47 Feeeeeel ya. Did a super hard leg day with new lifts yesterday.

My body is rejecting me. My hamstrings and quads have given up on life. My 4 yr old asked me why I was hobbling like an old lady today.

Gains son. Gains.

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