Damn it....did it again. Bout to get back on the wagon with the DOMS that come with it


New member
WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. That's what I'll be screaming to myself while I hobble down the stairs with my jelly legs after squatting tomorrow am. You see, I've slacked off from the gym (for ~3 months) and now I'm about to get back to it. The only consolation is that I'll somewhat miss them (DOMS) when they leave?....no, no i wont, that was a lie.

Edit* oh! Oh! It's was only 2 months! Still gonna be wobbly like j-e-l-l-o

Edit-edit* update. Worked out. Felt awesone to get back at it. Excited to get my numbers back up. Got wobbly. I'll survive.
@kimosavy47 Remember, when the Doms disappears you'll begin to miss it and doubt the quality of your workout because asshole brain is like that. This is the feeling of being alive and using your muscles to their utmost ability, appreciate it.
@kimosavy47 Feeeeeel ya. Did a super hard leg day with new lifts yesterday.

My body is rejecting me. My hamstrings and quads have given up on life. My 4 yr old asked me why I was hobbling like an old lady today.

Gains son. Gains.
@christbeloved Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (D.O.M.S.). Basically, when you don't work out a muscle frequently enough, you'll get sore the next day (up to a few days) after a workout. The more frequently you work that muscle thereafter, the less sore you'll be. Also, DOMS isn't necessarily an indicator of a good workout -- it's really only an indication that you haven't worked those muscles frequently enough. I still get DOMS even after over a year of lifting, but if I stick to my 6 days/week schedule (most weeks it ends up more like 4 days) then it's really mild. I haven't experienced the 'it hurts to sit/stand/lift arms' type of DOMS in a very long time.
@christbeloved Can confirm what @deborahg said! Worked out this morning, first time in forever and I'm going to be oh-so-wobbly especially tomorrow and onwards. But! When i squat on Friday it will totally work itself out, atleast while I'm squating. There will still be some soreness by the end of the day. I may do a cardio session tomorrow with bodyweight squats added in to help things along.
@kimosavy47 Whenever I have bad DOMS usually the last thing I feel like doing is more exercise, but it always ends up feeling better than if I hadn't. Plus, prevents more DOMS down the line!
@kimosavy47 Just got back after a 3 week break. I deloaded basically all my lifts and am still hobbling everywhere these past couple days. About to go on a little run to shake em out a bit. We have to try to enjoy them I guess!!
@kimosavy47 I stopped lifting for two months. I went on vacation, then came back and wanted to shed some fat through cardio (the devil's work) and then I was sick for 2 weeks.

So I lifted today and came thisclose to puking when I got home. And tomorrow I'm going to want to die. I really should have deloaded.

Oh well.
@dynamitex Oh man i feel ya. I'm deloading and my squat is going down to 70 and while it'll be doable and feel "easy" I'm going to cry every time i have to use the bathroom for the next week.