I know this ain’t impressive to damn near everyone here. But, I just did my first full pull up

@seekshare When I was 13, I couldn't do a pull-up. Or when I was 23 or 33 or 43. You are right to be proud. Keep it up, man.

Didn't get into it until I was in my late 50s and then...wow.
@seekshare Great going! I personally managed to do my first pull-up on the night before my 12th birthday after a year of struggling (I was really weak at the time).

But, well, keep it up!
@seekshare As far as I’m concerned, it’s the most important pull-up in the whole world today and the first of many for you. You can celebrate you’re starting great at 13. Keep going young man!!
@seekshare Good going! The longest journey starts with the first step, I didn't start seriously till 46 I'm now 54, from one pull-up my highest was 24 so go for it let me know when you got 25 or more just remember consistency is key even if you take a rest it's important you continue even when you don't feel like you're progressing is just your body adjusting to the added stress.
@seekshare Nice! My experience was around 14 it became ten times easier to gain strength and muscle as your growth speeds up, so look forward to that.
@seekshare Pull ups wasn't difficult for me, However it took me about a Year to get my first Muscle-up. I was so proud when I accomplished it.Keep it up & Now all that's left is to work on the form and you're done !