I know this ain’t impressive to damn near everyone here. But, I just did my first full pull up

@seekshare Hey man, a pull up at any age is more than a lot of people can do and an accomplishment, no matter how minor, is something worth sharing and celebrating. Good job!
@seekshare I still struggle with pull-ups. I can do more than one, but adding numbers is proving way more difficult than I could've imagined. It's a humbling exercise, not to be underestimated. Well done, friend!
@seekshare If you've never done a full pull up before, it's DAMN impressive.

Don't minimize your accomplishment by comparing it to where other people are at. You just nailed your first fucking pullup. Progress is progress, and the fact that you just hit that checkpoint should feel amazing. Congratulations.
@seekshare That's awesome. I wish I did pull ups earlier. But I have worked at it. I have bands that I bring to the park gym, and tonight I tried with 2 instead of three and was able to do two pull ups. I do 5-6 with 3.

For context I am 45, so you doing that at 13 is a major achievement. Keep at it.
@seekshare You will fuck your rotator cuff bro, take it easy, get your strength and fitness up first, there are some awesome tutorials on YouTube by some guys who really know what they are talking about. Avoiding an injury is just as important as a good workout. Good luck.