Demonizing an entire macro nutrient is probably the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Don’t fall for the fads trying to demonize carbs

@lepomis Doesn't mean it "demonises" them. They're not made out to be evil or a problem, just not compatible with the diet.

Google the word demonise. Carbs under the keto diet are not demonised
@joaa Bruh every single keto online personality cherry picks any smidgen of data that paints carbs in a negative light

They also make fun of anyone else who eats carbs and uses it as some false sense of superiority

Keto and carnivore quacks are some of the most insecure people I have ever seen
@joaa I thought it was a keto mainstream opinion that carbs cause inflammation.

If you’ve been hearing about the ketogenic diet in relation to treating or eliminating inflammation in the body, there’s good reason: aside for being great for weight loss, the ketogenic diet is a naturally anti-inflammatory diet. When on a keto diet, you reduce your carbohydrate/sugar intake. When you do that, you are reducing foods that feed inflammation.
@lepomis Exactly! A complete well rounded nutritious food plan excluding no macros is the most optimal and sustainable. The key is nutrient dense which means REAL food not the processed Franken-food shit most people eat.

These extreme diets like Vegan or Keto initially work because they all eliminate processed crap when done correctly. However, they don’t fill some of the micro-nutrient gaps that can occur when you eliminate whole macros. And if you have to rely heavily on supplements to fill these gaps instead of getting them from food, it just confirms the futility of these diets in the long run.
@lepomis Completely false.
Most of the nutrients in plants are not bioavailable to us because we lack the digestive system to process them.
In addition many plants contain defensive toxins that block the uptake of all nutrients and disrupt metabolic functions.
@1discipleofchristjesus01 Holy Shit someone reads carnivore twitter too much lmao

Brotha, you need to grow up and eat your fruits and veggies. You should not be worrying about the anti nutrient craze Paul saladino is shoving down your throat, you are exactly the kind of alt science person I am talking about. Fiber is essential, micros in plants are essential, that’s not to say you need to go full vegetarian or vegan but to dismiss plants as unhealthy because of this conspiracy take is probably one of the dumbest internet takes around nowadays.

Edit: this guy takes test but is saying plants are unhealthy, does it get any more pathetic than that??