DEXA Results: 26 F / 5'5.5" / 129 lbs / 15.7% body fat


New member
I FINALLY received my results, and I'm just like....there is almost no way I'm 15.7%. I thought I was closer to like 20%.

Album of Results AND Body Pics (underwear photos....NSFW?)

I know DEXA scans are generally as accurate as you get, but I've also read that they can be off by a up to 5%.

I have another test scheduled in a month (I found out about a study being done in South Central PA if anyone is interested! [it's no cost to you except driving and time :-D]) I guess I'll get confirmation...but I'm still a little shocked.

Either way, I wanted to share my results with you guys.
@katzby23 I'm curious - it says that according to the WHO you're underfat. I know it varies from person to person how well a body functions at different levels of body fat. Have you noticed any changes regarding your hormones?
@vrl All the hormone issues! I don't know if that's because I dropped my fat WAY too low for too long or because I lost like 5 lbs the first month and it just stressed my body and then I continued to over-train to his the goal weight I created.

I haven't had a period since June. My hunger cues are only now kinda normalizing. My sleep is slowly getting better (quality and length of time). My bad moods are unpredictable....but I was a pissy person before these issues.
@katzby23 Good luck! It is super important to get your period back, speaking as someone who lost my period for 2 years. I have long term health problems, including incredibly weak bones, due to prolonged low estrogen levels. Take care of yourself. Health is more important than looking ultra-cut.
@katzby23 Based upon how lean your abs are, I would say you are definitely closer to 15% than 20%. You look freaking lean and amazing!

If you are worried about the accuracy, you can try water tank test. They are the most accurate!
@katzby23 Awesome post! I am 5'2 and about 22% bf and while in grad school I'm not intensely active or slim right now (maintenance, man) so looking at your pictures it is no surprise to me that you are close to 15% body fat! Congrats!
@katzby23 I think it's super interesting the big difference in composition between right and left arms! I would have assumed someone's dominant arm would be more muscular, but not as much of a difference! Btw, you look great. I'm the same height and weight as you with a very similar body shape, though I would guess I'm more towards 20-23% (I'm planning on getting my own DEXA scan soon). It's great to see others with similar bodies at different compositions!
@deborahg I think it's really interesting to see the different ways bodies distribute fat despite being the same height and weight. I love seeing DEXA scan posts because I hadn't gotten one before so I loved trying to compare myself to others in guesstimating my BF%.

I was more shocked (besides the overall 15.7% shock) that my head was the fattest thing on me HAHAHAHA.
@katzby23 Totally! For context, here's some (NSFW) pictures I took recently to track progress. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in recent months but stayed a pretty steady weight, but I'd really like to be a lot leaner -- right now, if I'm flexing or OHP-ing at the gym, I love how muscular my arms and shoulders look, but with normal posture I don't think I really look like I work out. Same with thighs, flexing I can totally see and feel my quads/glutes/calves, but everyday I still think I look a bit squishy. I'm going to be super interested to find out DEXA results though!
@katzby23 That seems reasonable given that I think you have a lot of (absolute) muscle mass. High muscle mass allows you to have a little more (absolute) fat mass and still have low bf%.
@katzby23 You look great! Your arms especially look super shreddy (along with the rest of you--I just happened to notice your arms in particular). Be proud girl!