Did I ruin my V Shape


New member
A few days ago , I made a post here asking about oblique exercises. Today, I was doing my ab routine, and my trainer at the gym saw me doing obliques and told me that doing obliques is good for lower back strength , BUT it will increase my waistline (Im a thin guy with a tiny waist).He said I will not have the V Shape if I do obliques since it will broaden my waist. So now I am confused - should I stop doing obliques ? I'm already doing Lats, shoulders and Chest with full dedication to get the V shape, but will obliques ruin it ?And since I was doing some other oblique exercises since past 1-2 months, I did notice my waistline broaden. What should I do to lose it ? Alot of cardio ?

UPDATE: Thank you all soo much for your advice. I read each and every comment. I have decided not to chase after the instagram boys look of V-Shape, and instead I will focus on building my own muscles. Which includes Obliques !! I will workout obliques as well, and I will create my own look on Instagram. Thank you all very much for all the advice. Im very grateful :)
@robbvii its a muscle... if you grow it, you will be more muscular. if all that mattera is waist size, sure, but obliques are important for human flag for example.
@robbvii This is complete bullshit Gym Bro level advice. Ignore it if you value healthy and functional fitness over pure aesthetics.

If your goal is to have a nice V shaped body, you should try to stay lean and gain as much muscle mass in the Lats and shoulders as possible. But I would say, that following a well-balanced routine will naturally help you with a V shape anyways.
@zariga Yes I am focusing Lats,chest and shoulders. Of course I do all body parts, but I do these 3 with utmost dedication.

I actually do value aesthetics alot right now. Seeing all these instagram boys with their V shape bodies has made me really jealous, and girls seem to love it. Sorry if I sound a bit shallow, but I really wanna look sexy for them females.
@robbvii Just some fatherly advice from an old guy...honestly I'd recommend you get off IG. Lots of concerns in your statement. IG has led you down a rabbit hole to focus on one niche thing...you won't end up satisfied.
@dustinw yeah honestly once I started stepping away from the instagram/tiktok side of fitness, I got a lot happier/accepting with my results, I think it's also good not to look at yourself in the mirror too much, just workout and eat good and results will come regardless and you'll probably feel better about yourself
@robbvii Am bodybuilder, I hate the fact everyone wants to avoid obliques when we can just turn to make our waist smaller. Stronger obliques actually help in so many more ways than they hinder the V shape.
Sorry if I sound a bit shallow, but I really wanna look sexy for them females.

I can guarantee you that this way you will have a high chance to be disappointed and unhappy in your life. In order to be happy and sexually fulfilled, you don't need to be sexy for them females, but sexy for the one female. Focussing on aesthetics too much is really unhealthy. Both for the body and the mind.
@robbvii Hey bud, how big is a big waist? Do you actually have a measurement?

Of course not. A 5'5 male with a 32 inch waist is large. A 6'3 male with a 32 inch waist is small. Why? Because a V is created by proportional distance between top and bottom. You want bigger V taper, you can do so by making your shoulders bigger just as much as you can by making your waist smaller.

The only bad decision you can make is to neglect a body part, especially for calisthenics and especially your core. It's literally called your core for a reason, because it's the core of every movement you do. You will suffer terribly if your core lags behind too far, especially when you hit intermediate territory and you injure your back on squats or dead lifts because your core can't stabilise the movement between your upper and lower body.
@robbvii I don’t even mind focusing primarily on aesthetics, I do it too (mostly).

But you should still be aware that all of those guys are jooced to the gills. We’re talking tren, clen, test, and probably other stuff too. You will quite literally never be as big or defined if you stay natural (please stay natural).

Good news is though you just need to have a nicer body than 90% of the guys around. And that’s achievable with work.
@whatsername One of the guys I follow says he is completely natural (only creatine). Alot of other people I try to follow advertise themselves as natural. Maybe they are lying ? i dont know......

I want a body like them because girls literally go crazy for them. I cant do steroids or anything coz my moms a doctor and she didn't allow me. She dont even allow me creatine so lol I will be natural only haha.
@robbvii All may be slightly exaggerated but I can assure you it’s over 90%. Do they have a financial incentive to lie? Yes, because then they can sell a workout plan. “Do this to look like me!” Kinda thing. That’s how you can tell if they’re trustworthy or not.

Also from your response you’re what, 15-16? Just working out and eating well will put you ahead of the competition. And keep in mind that there’s a big difference between a sexual fantasy and a woman’s real preferences. Peak aesthetics is sizeable but not excessive muscles, with a body fat percentage around 15%. That’s not Arnold, and it’s not some oiled dude so skinny you could use him as an anatomical model either.
@robbvii Nah man that's not a good mindset. Every woman is different, some are into the super shredded huge bodies, sure, but not many. Actual genuine self confidence is what people find attractive and you're not going to get that by idolizing people who are always taking photos and filming with the perfect lighting right after a pump and damaging their bodies with steroid use - all to sell people more copies of some useless training plan.
@robbvii Girls like atheltic dudes who are lean and strong. they don't like bodybuilders with big biceps, just trust me.

When a woman hears that I do yoga it's a much bigger turn on than if I say that I go to the gym.

What would steroids help you with? Fuck up your health completely for freakishly big muscles and acne?